Its only on episode 2, but so far its pretty good. I suggest you guys to try it out.
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Its only on episode 2, but so far its pretty good. I suggest you guys to try it out.
Where did you find the torrent for it, and what's it about?
I haven't seen it, but I did some searching regarding the name. This seems to be the anime that he's talking about.
Thanks Poiple, DLing the first episode now since it sounds interesting.
thanks Poiple Weezard, I had the first episode for a while now, but couldn't remember where I got it from, but with your help now I'm downloading the second episode
Yup, thats it. I get my episodes of new animes from
Yeah I like it so far, IMO I think the anime version is better than the manga one so far, not that big of a fan of fanservice, so it's nice they toned it down. Im definately gonna keep watching this show, unless it makes and unexpected turn. *thumb up*
Tenten is indeed quite excellent. I'm waiting for episode three myself. Till then I've kept myself busy reading the manga [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
It's awesome, although sometimes all the ecchi stuff gets on my nerves.
Who has the best sub? Arn't there any famous group that sub it?
I was at the animesuki forums and since it's made in part by a U.S. company (Geneon i think) that may be why a lot of big name subbers stay away.
I like the show i still like the manga better though, the show's going to deviate because it can't show the sex.
I would consider the manga beyond ecchi something more like light-hentai or semi-hentai
I'm watching anime-station sub's... i think they do a very good job
Cinemax for anime? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]Quote:
Originally posted by: Hyuga Koji
I would consider the manga beyond ecchi something more like light-hentai or semi-hentai
Good ol' softcore porn.
I love this show and I'm thrilled that AnimeOne is doing it! Just saw your version of the first ep. This is the one that's going in my archives! Thanks for the great new show!
May I recommend that you start a new forum section dedicated to this show.
Episode 5 was crazy ill!!!!! and damn, episode 6 looks like it's going to be even better.