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- Reason -
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- Reason -
Very nice. Better than anything i could do. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Yes, very nice. When did paintpixel start coloring the pages?
mainva | aptigo | JTD out
Very very nice coloring.
It was done by Reason, not AnbuPawn/paintpixel.Quote:
Originally posted by: JTD121
Yes, very nice. When did paintpixel start coloring the pages?
mainva | aptigo | JTD out
Althouch paintpixel does the color pages for INANE, that does not mean she is responsible for all the colored Naruto pages out there.
And nice job Reason.
good job, but you need shading.
Yes. shadeing would flesh this guy out. kinda looks at the moment like done in ms paint with the Fill tool. i am no pro but a little bit of touch up will make it stand out alot.
Yeah, I know, I need to shade it a bit more, I wish I had access to Photoshop but I dont, I am using Fireworks...
At any rate, I just wanted to know what everyone thought of it atm, I know I still have some work to do on it, I just finished taking care of most of the pic editing before I worked on anything else (Just started it yesterday...)
- Reason -
nice, very nice indeed
good job, keep working on it and post them
It's awfully bright. Try to stay away from those bright, flat colors. Use ivory as a substitue for pure white, dark brown as a substitue for black. Right now those bright, flat yellows and reds really overwhelm the piece.
Good job overall, but shading would give the picture a better feeling. Great work, keep it up!