I'm A+, it's originally a european bloodtime, yours?
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I'm A+, it's originally a european bloodtime, yours?
O+ the red cross won't stop asking me for blood donations.
Okay [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img], Last biology lesson we talked about it, O+ is originally from eastern part of europe, russia, ukraine, poland etc... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
O+. I have hidden my adress from the red cross. Shh.
Yeah bloodtype O was wanted by red-cross because people with A and B could recieve that and use it. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
I feel funny not remembering exactly. But I know it's one of the A ones.
What part of europe does A+ originate from? And where does A- originate from?
that - and + dosen't really matter it's something with the birth, if mother and father has + then you'll get + and so on, dosen't really matter.. and if you're having a child if you're one - and one + then it could be complicated, something like that.
Ah I see, thanks.
me = B+
ummm b+
Give ya blood ta me. All of ye. Im a selfish bastard.
So what does the Japanese Horrorscopes say about my Love life today?
Uhm... you'll find great riches, which will bring great happiness, and tomorrow you'll wake up with your testicles removed, and the economy will crash.
I won't release my bloodtype because I'm a paranoid bastard, and they have enough reasons to be following me, let alone plama theifs...
E- very rare im totaly f**ked if i ever need a transfusion well theres always my bro but i wouldn't want is blood even if it ment id live
There is no "E" bloodtype
AB is the rarest one, 4-5 % of the total population has it, A+ is the most common bloodtype in west
O-bloodtype is most common in Asia.
The - and + actually does matter, - can donate to both + or -, but + can only donate to +. There are in fact not only 4 blood types(AB, B, A, O), but 8, because each - or + counts as a seperate one. That also means O negative is the only blood type that can donate to anyone, and AB+ can only donate to AB+.Quote:
Originally posted by: itachi_
that - and + dosen't really matter it's something with the birth, if mother and father has + then you'll get + and so on, dosen't really matter.. and if you're having a child if you're one - and one + then it could be complicated, something like that.
Back to topic, I have no idea what my bloodtype is.
is O+ any special? freaking red cross won't stop calling me for blood donations. they've been doing it for almost two years now. i've told them that i never want to donate blood again but those fucks don't wanna listen. thank god, i'm moving and changing phone numbers.
I have no clue...
*wonders why and how so many people know their blood type*
I will add something too, AB can give their blood to A and B but can't recieve non other then AB, so their case is the worst if they will loose alot of blood... No the + and - dosen't have that big of a matter, it's only in births and such it matter like the child could be damaged if it's mixed
37% of the population has O
Where you get the stats from Itachi?? I thought AB was quite common in Asia. Anyway.. I still can eat up all your other bloods. And I don't have to Share one BIT! Muahahahah....Quote:
Originally posted by: itachi_
There is no "E" bloodtype
AB is the rarest one, 4-5 % of the total population has it, A+ is the most common bloodtype in west
O-bloodtype is most common in Asia.
37% of the population has O
Damn!! I always wanted to have kids which I would love to screw them up and make them a parasite to society.Quote:
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
Uhm... you'll find great riches, which will bring great happiness, and tomorrow you'll wake up with your testicles removed, and the economy will crash....
Kill the Alien!! We must not let him corrupt our women!Quote:
Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
E- very rare im totaly f**ked if i ever need a transfusion well theres always my bro but i wouldn't want is blood even if it ment id live