The raws for SAC2 Ep 5-8 have been up for like a month now and I haven't seen any translations out for it yet.
Anyone know where to find translated vers?
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The raws for SAC2 Ep 5-8 have been up for like a month now and I haven't seen any translations out for it yet.
Anyone know where to find translated vers?
LMF and Konspira are semi slow releasing them. No one has subbed 5-8 yet, even tough they are out. The series is licensed by bandai, all the major groups have stopped, just chill and let them sub it.
Laughing Man (the ones I get) have apparently been having problems recently...they seem to be also subbing previous episodes by DVD volume - their last 'release' was Volume One (eps 1-3 plus extras) of Gig 1 - which was fine for me except they didn't work (at least for me). They made realplayer, divxplayer and media player and anything else I tried break down >(.
Its not such a problem for me yet though as I still haven't watched 3 or 4 yet...
Konspira have subbed episodes 5 & 6 hopefully 7 & 8 will be released soon. You can get 5 & 6 here or you can get them from suprnova