When I play it, I got a green screen. Already tried to download from other subs but they're all bad. Can anyone tell me why this happens? BTW, all other episodes are fine.
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When I play it, I got a green screen. Already tried to download from other subs but they're all bad. Can anyone tell me why this happens? BTW, all other episodes are fine.
You'll need XviD. question answered.
That didnt work... BEsides, all others episodes are fine as I said. If it was the codec, then I couldn't have played them.
Yeah but like 95% of the naruto eps are encoded in DivX, can you play for example, episode 64 which is a XviD one, if you can play that one, then I don't know the problem.
Sorry for the stupid question, but where can I getQuote:
Originally posted by: itachi_
You'll need XviD. question answered.
Xvid and how do I use it? Is it just a codec or
is it a player?
it is a codec um not sure where u get it from i got mine from kazaa(sp?) quite awhile ago now but if u do get it from there becareful of virus's. or just goto yahoo and put in xvid codecs should work.
There is an Official site of XviD go there.
thanks ^^
I got ep. 64 from Bakasan and not Anbu. Maybe that's why I can play it. Why do they keep changing codecs. Why can't they stick with one. I can't play ep. 69 from Anbu, Bakasan, Sayaman, ZeusTeam and others. I'm tired of downloading it from many places... I have also Gspot and it tells me all these videos are rendered alright.
I'm going nuts!!! I got all episodes till 73 but I got that hole in 69.
Can anyone help me with that? Or tell me of any other places I can download other sub?
I'm sorry for going back to this topic but it's been sometime and I tried many things. Can someone help me out. I'm nt still able to play ep. 69 and only ep 69!!! Maybe it's the player (I use DivX.) Can someone tell me a good player?
install the latest ffdshow.. link:
EDIT: I use Media Player Classic
3ivX is a really awesome solution also [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Takes care of divx/xvid, and some other stuff too ..
check out my sig.
I had the same problem as you did, I found there wasa something wrong with my codec.
ffdshow has all of those.. including the latest xvid.. and the sourceforge page isnt updated..Quote:
Originally posted by: kage_bunshin
check out my sig.