Naruto 78 new intro + ending
the intro basically is like a comic book with colours and funny animations of naruto characters, and has pic of itachi with his partner kisame, and pervert sennin with gama and orochimaru with manda. Song kinda funny just another rock music intro, wouldn't say its the best.
The ending animation is a bit like wind but when they are grown up. Song is good another rock music, beats the hell out of harmonia.
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
why make a new thread for this? could have posted it in the naruto 78 discussion thread...
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
dont give spoilers about the stuff they leave ambiguous in the intro
and the snakes you saw near the end were the ones that attacked the village and were beaten by jiraiya (notice how they have those distinct bib things)
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
dont give spoilers about the stuff they leave ambiguous in the intro
and the snakes you saw near the end were the ones that attacked the village and were beaten by jiraiya (notice how they have those distinct bib things)
Which begs the question: If the snakes have bibs, one can assume they drool. And being them snakes, one can also assume, it's poisonous drool. Then, why put bibs on them, since it can be also destructive?
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
man.....i love this intro.....i cant help watching it!
the animation flows very nicely and shows EVERYONE.....its great....
and the music is catchy too
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
dont give spoilers about the stuff they leave ambiguous in the intro
and the snakes you saw near the end were the ones that attacked the village and were beaten by jiraiya (notice how they have those distinct bib things)
why not? this is the open discussion forum isnt it?
Spoiler** it does show tsunades back for just a brief second when they are showing all the gambling stuff
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Yes,about time they got rid of that gay song.It's almost time for Itachi!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
and or my favorite character kisame hoshigaki.
damn can't wait for like 84 thats when they should show up.
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
and or my favorite character kisame hoshigaki.
damn can't wait for like 84 thats when they should show up.
Naruto is getting licensed at ep 83! Whats your reaction? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Alot better then Kanashimi wo wasashi sa ni, it's good that they've understand that they'll need some rock... the ending compared to alive was better too, nothing to complain about.
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Naruto is getting licensed at ep 83! Whats your reaction
uhh that would truely piss me off and be a bit odd to liscense naruto there. i swear if it was 4 kidz id be so pissed, but if pioneer liscensed it would be ok.
and also would anbu anime one really stop if they liscensed naruto.if i had the know how it wouldn't stop me.
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Originally posted by: AlbinoFury
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
dont give spoilers about the stuff they leave ambiguous in the intro
and the snakes you saw near the end were the ones that attacked the village and were beaten by jiraiya (notice how they have those distinct bib things)
why not? this is the open discussion forum isnt it?
Spoiler** it does show tsunades back for just a brief second when they are showing all the gambling stuff
yeah its open discussion, but it STARTED in the original naruto anime forum.....then got moved later
it wouldve been cooler if orochimaru was on manda....but its still cool....i love all the little teasers they threw in there that those of us who've read the manga already know about and eagerly anticipate the actual appearances
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
it shows two people next to sasuke doing chidori too...they have swords and are in wandering ninja get-up...hmm, now who could they be? BTW, the songs kick major ASS!
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
Naruto is getting licensed at ep 83! Whats your reaction
uhh that would truely piss me off and be a bit odd to liscense naruto there. i swear if it was 4 kidz id be so pissed, but if pioneer liscensed it would be ok.
and also would anbu anime one really stop if they liscensed naruto.if i had the know how it wouldn't stop me.
I think he's teasing you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
i know he is but thats exactly what would happen.
and then in the news youd hear that 4 kidz has been destroyed by a large green man.
or a missle launcher what ever comes into my hands first.
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
Originally posted by: Himura_san
Originally posted by: sangai sakusei
Naruto is getting licensed at ep 83! Whats your reaction
uhh that would truely piss me off and be a bit odd to liscense naruto there. i swear if it was 4 kidz id be so pissed, but if pioneer liscensed it would be ok.
and also would anbu anime one really stop if they liscensed naruto.if i had the know how it wouldn't stop me.
I think he's teasing you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Subbers Dont care. They've been violating Licensing laws so far.
Naruto 78 new intro + ending
I think it's great that they have change the intro and ending songs.
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
there are no spoiler rules for this forum i suggest you guys should already know that before you come in
'and the snakes you saw near the end were the ones that attacked the village and were beaten by jiraiya (notice how they have those distinct bib things)'
no, they're from the sannin arc when Jiyaira and Orochimaru fight.
RE: Naruto 78 new intro + ending
yay i finally know what naruto is holding in his hand in the intro