Gundam 0083
Im not usually the one to ask for help, most of the time i don't need it, or will buy the DVD's. But as people in the channel can tell you, for the longest time ive been looking for Gundam 0083. Yes i know i should go buy bandai's wonderful DVD's. But at 23 bucks each, and me saving up for GITS SAC LE 1 and ROD TV LE 1 in june, im cash strapped.
I know some groups have released this a while ago. I have no problems with BT at all. Anyone have a idea?
Gundam 0083
if you dont mind browsing... I saw the other day a couple of fservers with this on them on #msg @ aniverse
i also think i saw some people in #animeskyscraper with them... not sure though
RE: Gundam 0083
Ill just end up buying the DVD's probably, but thanks for the heads up.