RE: Naruto manga RAW sources
There's also scanning technique to consider. Dunno if you've ever seen an issue of Jump, but it's about 400 standard pages long. And when I say 'standard', I actually mean 'crappier-than-newspaper-and-multicolored' pages. And when I say 'multicolored', I mean they print one or two series on pink paper, the next few on green, some on yellow, and it varies every week. Since Naruto is extremely popular, it's by the front of the magazine, which means that when scanning it there is a big huge spine to deal with; you can get around that by putting weights (a ream of paper, another book, a laptop, whatever) to press the page down on to the scanner bed.
You have to get a big copy so they can clean up whatever needs to be cleaned up and to allow for ample space in the color replacement (replacing the color of the page with white). And, of course, what you can get is also limited by what you can transmit and how; a 100% size, 300dpi scan of a chapter of Naruto (about 18-20 pages) weighs in at roughly 200-someodd MB that you then have to send over the Net. It's not hard to imagine people would have reasons for cutting corners and reducing the size and quality of their scan to make it easier to send.