go get it!
i think there's something wrong with the link ... its .avi.avi
just change it to torrent
Printable View
go get it!
i think there's something wrong with the link ... its .avi.avi
just change it to torrent
just change it to _avi.avi and it will work
huh, is this bakasan idea of a joke? Honto baka yatsu da!
How do I make it work, I triede the mentioned method and didn't work.
Sheeeez... or in the immortal words of Shikamaru, Mataku, mendo kusai downroadu!
keep trying, refresh the page, that worked for me...now I just have to fix the codec issues this episode has...
When you find out how to fix the codec issue, tell me.
Sasuga, lasaire-san, nice new sig...Quote:
Originally posted by: lasaire
keep trying, refresh the page, that worked for me...now I just have to fix the codec issues this episode has...
I am downloading the raw and will wait for Anbuone or something
Baka, baka, baka, o-baka-san.
Go check out Live-evils version (available on suprnova) - its the actual episode but like 90% of the Dialogue and 10% of the music is april fools stuff -
funny as $h!t though.
The rest of the flashback segment was actually the best part of the episode. Oh well....
lame.....i wouldve been surprised if people DIDNT try to release naruto as an april fool's joke
and it seems bakasan is celebrating april fool's by making this current release buggier than ever before! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
They had 5 or 6 chances to make the episodes cool by letting Naruto actually gather the Kyubi Chakra within the last 5 minutes but they ruined it.
Jesus, they put the flashback from 76 *inside* of the flashback of 77... that's a bit much...
6/8 flashback, 1/8 Shinigami thinking why didn't I bring a tv set and my xbox and 1/8 fight, come on...
Ok, little Naruto was kawaii...
Wow so much bitching, so little appreciation.
Sorry i had to say that. Its just that recently people have been complaining a lot about the anime/manga. Just enjoy it while it lasts.
Having Issues with The Episode? Try this codec...
Should fix your problems...
- Reason -
i'll wait for the anbu-aone release. till then i'll watch the raw. i don't have time or patience for april fool's jokes when i need my naruto fix. Yeah i'm an addict. so what. i doesn't mean that i can't stop watching if i want to.
lol ya just right click save file as then go to the file and open with bit torrent I think its bakasans ap fools joke. btw I hate the new forums.. lol
man, that seriously sucked. This series is going downhill fast.
thanks Reason, thats a very helpful of you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
oh, and shut up booJay
mmmm, how bout no? ass
Don't take it so personally booJay, a lot of people get annoyed from all the bitching that's been going on lately. If you think the series is going downhill, than you can stop watching.
people complain about how dbz is all action and nothing but fights ALL the time. then another series comes out, and the creator of that one involves the plot more and adds background to all the significant characters, and then applies this same technique to build up one of the biggest fights that will conclude a saga that's been airing for over a year with deep emotional elements regarding the characters personalities and experiences, then people complain about THAT.......
there's just no pleasing some people
and thats not just directed to you, booJay