Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
I kno Chrno Crusade was lisenced and Aone isnt subbing C.C. anymore but do any of u ppl's kno if theres another fangroup subbing C.C. cause i think C.C is a great.its kinda similar to Hellsing but with comedy thrown into it.So does anyone kno is there a fangroup still subbing it even though its illegal LOL.
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
Anime-source.com has a bunch of chrono BT's - from lots of different subgroups - maybe one of them is still subbing it. hope this helps
Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
Originally posted by: vash8489
I kno Chrno Crusade was lisenced and Aone isnt subbing C.C. anymore but do any of u ppl's kno if theres another fangroup subbing C.C. cause i think C.C is a great.its kinda similar to Hellsing but with comedy thrown into it.So does anyone kno is there a fangroup still subbing it even though its illegal LOL.
Just to quote you "lol u r an idiot find it urself "
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
You realise Vash that these outburst of yours are not helping inspire people to help you.
Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
My post was edited by a mod b/c i couldn't grow up and have anything nice to say. Sorry for being so childish and you wont see me anytime soon on here again.
Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
My post was edited by a mod b/c i couldn't grow up and have anything nice to say. Sorry for being so childish and you wont see me anytime soon on here again.
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
eh... what did it wrrant two posts?
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
I really shouldn't lower myself to this level, but I can't help myself in this case.
Vash, a few minor points I'd like to make: 1) Did you really find it yourself? Seems to me like you had a little help. 2) Take off "Caps Lock," it makes you seem unintelligent, and while that may be the real situation, try to present a different image here. 3) Spell check your posts, "kno" is not the same as "know" nor is "wat" the equivalent of "what." It is not that hard to type the extra letter(s). 4) Similar to the previous point, make sure the words you use are actual words (i.e. "ain't" is not a word). 5) What warranted the language use? No one else used that kind of language, yet you felt the need to lower yourself to a new level. Using foul language may impress your friends, but to be honest, in the real world it makes you seem a bit childish. 6) Lastly, if you are going to swear, make sure you spell the words correctly (this is related to one of the previous points).
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
VAsh your warned no double posting or Flaming.
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
wow kakashi is on the ball today
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
good for you Vash... now go to momma and tell her how much you love her maricon de mierda
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
Budweineken tu madre maricon
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
your mother?
maricon isn't a spanish word i know
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
Maricon is spanish for homosexual, typically refering to a male.
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
but wouldn't your mother be female?
he said tu madre maricon
so your mother is homosexual
he used it in masculine terms
tu madre es muy facil
is better
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
I would agree, but some people hear an insult once, and think it's the greatest thing ever so they just repeat it whenever they can. It could be that Vash didn't know maricon is typically male, I dunno.
Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
My post was edited by a mod b/c i couldn't grow up and have anything nice to say. Sorry for being so childish and you wont see me anytime soon on here again.
RE: Wat Eva Happ 2 Chrno Crusade
Sorry John, but I don't believe you're Spanish. Anyway though, why do you take such a negative attitude to the people on this board?