Questions about Skill Developments
Well, since Anko was Orochimaru's student, one could assume she also has her Curse Seal at Level 2.
But when she sees Sasuke take control of the Seal, she is surprised and possibly even impressed, which could also mean she doesn't have the Curse Seal Level 2, or she was just too afraid to 'die', as the Four Sound had put it.
My question is, is it possible that Anko does have the ability to raise her Curse Seal up to Level 2?
Also, since she was Orochimaru's student, could she know how to summon the snakes (She does know Senei Yashu).. perhaps even Manda??
Lastly, what's the name of the move Kabuto uses as he camouflages himself when leading the Genins from Team 7 (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura) in the Forest of Death?
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
i think she cant get the seal up to level 2 because i remember oro telling her something like "are you sad that i dumped trash like you for another?" or something like that...basically he meant that she wasnt strong enough for what he needed, and i guess that also means she couldnt get to level 2 seal. but hey thats just my opinion
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
I believe that anyone can acquire the level 2 seal. You just have to go through the same procedure tha Sasuke is going through now i.e. to almost die to be reborn with a level 2 seal.
If it was just a question of strength, I'm sure that Anko is stronger than the 4 gates (individually). Yet they attained level 2 status; so strength shouldn't be a relative factor.
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
What was that pill they gave Sasuke when he went into the barrel? I can't remember, but could that have anything to do with upgrading?
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
Yeah, the whole process. The seals on the barrel and pill.
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
yea i think it lets him go into seal 2 if i remember correctly if thats what they said to him.
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
i don't think anko can go to lvl 2. i think orochimaru gave up on her after giving her the seal.
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
I don't think Anko went through the whole barrel thing, Orochimaru basically said that she sucked, so he probably wouldn't waste his time trying to upgrade the seal.
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
Anko level 2 seal? I'm sure she can. But I dont she wants to use it. Remember Kakashi said something that if you use the seal you'll be longing for more Oro Oro? Or something like that... You'll get hooked on to the seal. And that would limit your growth....
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
maybe for the pill upgrade to work they have to be inherently evil.
that'd be a good reason why orochimaru gave up on anko - she wasn't naughty enough... o.O;;;
Questions about Skill Developments
Originally posted by: Stoopider
Anko level 2 seal? I'm sure she can. But I dont she wants to use it. Remember Kakashi said something that if you use the seal you'll be longing for more Oro Oro? Or something like that... You'll get hooked on to the seal. And that would limit your growth....
thats becuase if you use the seal you will want to have more power form the person that gave you the seal. that only applies to seal 1. and anko was dumped by orochimaru and stayed in leef which means she dont got a curse seal 2. if she was good enough to get one she would be a sound nin by now.
and anko most probably cant summon manda. thats just crazy do you really think orochimaru would call a person that could summon manda trash?
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Orochimaru basically said that she sucked
she sure did
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
Originally posted by: Insomniac
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Orochimaru basically said that she sucked
she sure did
RE: Questions about Skill Developments
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
Originally posted by: Insomniac
Originally posted by: KonohamaruCorps
Orochimaru basically said that she sucked
she sure did
Originally posted by: BakaShinji
- she wasn't naughty enough... o.O;;;