RE: advice for hair style
Get it bleached, and short n spiky. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
RE: advice for hair style
ud look gay with kenshin hair unless you wandered around in a samurai outfit. but then ud jst look silly.
get it bleached and spiked up [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
my hair is longish atm, and can get quite annoying to deal with. having short hair definately takes less effort.
RE: advice for hair style
yup, bleached and spiked up is the way to go...unless you have my type of hair...then the best you can do is just comb it back with some gel @_@ and even then it will look like crap
RE: advice for hair style
i need to see a pic of you to determine if you could have the kenshin hair but in most cases id say thats a "hell no" hair cut. im having a hard time deciding what to do with my hair to... got long hair to my shoulder now..
RE: advice for hair style
ur calling that a "short" ponytail? damn man... id consider this to be REALLY long.. anyways, as pervert-sennin jiraiya said, we gotta see a pic of you to determine the hair style that would fit you the most... but i would say go with the gel
RE: advice for hair style
guys with pony tails are just really ass clown looking.
just go for the nappy look. like brad pitt nappy.
RE: advice for hair style
yeah, I don't know what you look like but the Kenshin hair is definately gay, he only pulled it off because he's the Battousai. Just make your hairstyle however you want, it's mostly guys at this forum, get style tips from some girls elsewhere is what you should do
RE: advice for hair style
shaving your head is my preferred style. but i did it during my high school years since i played football and having long, spiked, messy hair is just troublesome and annoying. it's really convinient and saves you a lot of time since you don't have to fix your hair in the morning (which means probably about 5-10 min of more sleep time!).
RE: advice for hair style
If you go to a salon and get your hair dyed it won't stain your pillow.
RE: advice for hair style
Im a dood who is kinda a hair specialist lol
I spend around 1/2 hr to my record 3 hrs fixing up my hair a day (usually 1/2 hr)
OK see from wat i can tell rite now.... I can tell nothing LOL
Your asian so... do not think about getting perm or growing fro cause it takes alot of work... (im asian with a fro and trust me)
IF you do not want to dye hair get the non perminate har dyes that will wash off. Thats wat i used for a while.
but theres nothing i can tell you with out a picture of some sort.. =P
So do wat most asian in my schools do... Spike it and u get mad hot girls
RE: advice for hair style
how de hell can asians have a fro??lol