Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
I love the new Witch Hunter Robin series. I get confused about it sometime though because like one episode they'll be hunting a witch then the next it'll be a whole different plot, like when Dojima and Robin started working at Harry's to catch that witch. Anyways this anime is great i like it a lot.
RE: Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
New series? at least two years old.....
I got it from RiceBox some time ago... awesome series.... one of my favorites... still hoping for more in the future? Probably wishful thinking
Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
Yeah I was gonna say, it's not exactly new .... O_o
Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
I've got the Ricebox subs as well. Amazing series, especially the intro music.
Currently I'm up to about episode 10, and need to sit down and watch the rest of it. Something to do in about 10 days time when all my Uni work's handed in. Then it's anime-fest galore [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
sorry guys i didnt know it wasnt new but hey its new to me, and my first anime that i ever downloaded was naruto and id download more but my computer doesnt have much space but hey this anime is great.
Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
Glad you like the show. It's one of my favorites too. I've got all the episodes on hard drive still actually. :x
And the Adult Swim dub's not so bad either, imo.
RE: Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
I'm thinking off looking up my burned cds when i get back home in the summer and rewatching the series... I think there are things still that need some clearing up after watching the whole series
RE: Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
THIS SHow WAS A waste of my time.... well the middle was exciting about ep 18 or so... goes down HILL BADLY... Conclusion too quick... and SO MUCH info in so little episode... i watch it once.. didn't understand the ending... and i wont' !
RE: Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
I enjoyed WHR quite a bit. Great artwork, decent character development, amazing music, and a reasonably solid storyline. Saw it all ANBU style ... pretty solid.
I think the dub is horrible, myself... but then I think very few dubs have any saving points ... then I'm pretty biased, since I am a subber and all [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]. I dunno, just the way people say other people's names, it's like they recruited all their staff from nebraska or something, everyone has this slow unfeeling sense to them, and the bartender dude sounds like he's 12 years old.
Not as bad as the kenshin dubs though. I think the WHR dub could grow on ya, if you don't already have preconceptions about what the voices and names n' stuff should sound like.
Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
(contents removed, browser tweaked the hell out when I hit "reply")
RE: Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
WHR's artist isn't consitent.... its like distorted... look closely when Robin has her glassess on and turing side ways... OMG, it is ugly.... ja~
RE: Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
can i still get this show on bittorrent somewhere or do i have to use like kazaa or dc++ to get it?
RE: Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
can i still get this show on bittorrent somewhere or do i have to use like kazaa or dc++ to get it?
you can still get Witch Hunter Robin 1-26 off of
Anyone here watch the new anime Witch Hunter Robin?
At first I thought this was an interesting story, but I felt that the character development is non-existant and this anime isn't really plot driven. It was mildly interesting to watch thier super powers.
What really frustrated me was that it explains everything in the end, rather than doing it gradually. It does the cardinal sin of telling instead of showing