RE: Did anybody notice......
Ah right. I've only read one version of it, so I just took that as being real. In my version he says "I am a chuunin". I remember a while ago there were quite a few people discussing why he would say that.
RE: Did anybody notice......
yes, but the same goes for the debate about whether zabuza actually is referenced by um, itachi's partner (forget his name). One version acknowledges zabuza as one of their special mist group members, while another doesnt even mention the name zabuza at all
RE: Did anybody notice......
And don't forget that one chapter when Itachi appears for the very first time. His partner mentioned something about Gaara not being there anymore. But the translators weren't sure if that was the correct name or not.
So I can't wait until that's cleared up in the anime.
RE: Did anybody notice......
Yeah I was the one or one of them who said it back then, in the manga he says like "I'm aburame shino a chuunin from hidden leaf village but now he says he's from the aburame clan.
RE: Did anybody notice......
RE: Did anybody notice......
i think shino is pretty good....since he was so easily able to beat Kankuro and mind you Kankuro is a good puppet master and his ninjutsu skills are pretty high....Shino having those bugs gives him a greater advantage of the countermeasure for shino could be some Bug killing spray that the bugs couldn't get near ....hmmm i wonder who'll come up with that....and second one i could think of is....if he ever fights with a mist nin....since they use water alot...i don't think bugs can fighting over water would be the worst battleground for shino.....but still he rocks among the trees....
RE: Did anybody notice......
He didn't easily beat Kankuro at all. They were evenly matched. He nearly died, remember? He was lucky to win.
RE: Did anybody notice......
yeah, seriously. everyone wants to suck shino's dick for some random reason. he didn't do anything that was truly impressive. kankurou sucked too.
RE: Did anybody notice......
Originally posted by: dazzz
yeah, seriously. everyone wants to suck shino's dick for some random reason. he didn't do anything that was truly impressive. kankurou sucked too.
you caught me, I want to suck Shino's dick. seriously, it's not even that I like him that much, personally I think both Kankuro and Shino are pretty bad also, but he's better than Kiba and his stupid dog, and he doesn't talk as much, so I think he should get more time in the manga than Kiba at least
RE: Did anybody notice......
i like people who talk. that's why i hate hinata.
RE: Did anybody notice......
yea, but it's annoying when people who suck talk trash. Hinata is just annoying whether she's talking or not.
RE: Did anybody notice......
i would do Hinata no question about it.. do her hard..shes a babe.
RE: Did anybody notice......
I think it's very subjective to talk about who is stronger and so what not... But this isn't the thread to talk about it.
RE: Did anybody notice......
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
yes, but the same goes for the debate about whether zabuza actually is referenced by um, itachi's partner (forget his name). One version acknowledges zabuza as one of their special mist group members, while another doesnt even mention the name zabuza at all
The original quote comes from Chapter 142--Volume 16, p. 134 in the collections.
"Zabuza no kozou wa anata to yariatta to kikimashitaga...?"
Translation: "I heard Zabuza's kid [i.e. Haku] fought with you, but...?"
Oh, and FYI the guy's name is Hoshigaki Kiseme.
Originally posted by: XwingRob
And don't forget that one chapter when Itachi appears for the very first time. His partner mentioned something about Gaara not being there anymore. But the translators weren't sure if that was the correct name or not.
So I can't wait until that's cleared up in the anime.
Yeah, that's understandable there; chances are that it is not Gaara, though. It's spoken by Hoshigaki to Itachi. Here's their conversation for the context. Chapter 139--Volume 16, p. 71 in the collections.
"Toriaezu kaimetsu wa manugareta mono no higai wa jindai na you desune."
"For the time being, it seems the damage of those [things or people; probably the former b/c of no kanji but a nice play on words anyway] that avoided the destruction is great.
"Eiga wo kiwameta ano sato ga..."
"That village carried luxury to the extreme..."
(after a sideways grin at Itachi)
"Gara ni mo nai..."
"That's out of pattern [lit: That's not even in the pattern/design]..."
"Kokyou ni wa yahari miren ga arimasuka? Anatademo..."
"Still have lingering affections for your birthplace? Even you..."
"Iiya. Marude nai yo."
"No. Not quite."
Sorry for the length, but the context here is important. The translation is difficult here because the word "gara" is written in katakana (one of the two phonetic alphabets in Japanese), which is something that is usually done for emphasis. The only word in the WWWJDIC that has that exact phonetic spelling means "pattern" or "design" and has kanji...I took from it that Hoshigaki was referring to Itachi's pattern, and the rest of the conversation supports that. In addition, it is highly unlikely that it is Gaara because a) Gaara has an extra 'a' in his name and b) Every time someone is referred to by name in Naruto, the Kanji are used (provided they have kanji). The series simply does not take liberty with names.
Well, that's my Japanese practice for the night. Now the next time someone brings those puppies up, feel free to point 'em to the original context [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: Did anybody notice......
Originally posted by: dazzz
yeah, seriously. everyone wants to suck shino's dick for some random reason. he didn't do anything that was truly impressive. kankurou sucked too.
lol thats not the way i would put it but it would end up at the same place. shino and kankuro are nothing special.