Voice Actors
I wanted to check whether it was alright to post this, but I haven't quite adjusted to the new forum set up and I couldn't find all the rules (my appologies if I've completely missed them somewhere obvious) so if I have done something I'm not supposed to please delete the thread/let me know [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Also appologies if someone has already posted it.
I recently discovered a site that I think will be of interest to a lot of you.
As you should know, Japanese voice actors are (in general) superb, and the site I have discovered contains a huge list of animes, the voice actors of each character and which other characters, from other series', they've played.
Personally, I am really intruiged to look at who is played by the same as who. Really very interesting, certainly from my point of view.
Voice Actors
animenfo.com has a massive database of anime with voice actors aswell as pictures, biographies, career listing etc etc. check it out [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
incase same of you didnt know, the character of naruto is voiced by a woman
RE: Voice Actors
Good tries my friends, but this will always be the best voice actor database: http://www.tcp.com/doi/seiyuu/seiyuu.html !
RE: Voice Actors
heh .... good old "my seiyuu database is bigger than your seiyuu database" fights....
having tried all three of those sources, I'd say that all three of them are sorely lacking in minor character va's.... though the non-animenfo ones a bit less lacking...
like .... Gokusen. There's a whole lotta students, but all 3 of those sites only list Sawada Shin as a student, and omit all the other ones. Like because they're minor characters their voice acting doesn't count...
maybe it's just a "newness" thing though.
RE: Voice Actors
I wasn't posting in an attempt to compete in a 'good old "my seiyuu database is bigger than your seiyuu database" fight'. I was merely intruiged by it and wasn't aware there were so many 'rival' sites. Meh.
Perhaps they'll build up the Gokusen list as the series goes on.
I'm also hoping they'll add a few other series -eg. Jungle Wa Itsumo Hale Nochi Guu, though I daresay I could find out elsewhere if I was overly bothered.