Wasen't it shown in the manga?, the fight between Genma and Baki? so far in the anime we haven't seen them, just when they stared at eachother ...
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Wasen't it shown in the manga?, the fight between Genma and Baki? so far in the anime we haven't seen them, just when they stared at eachother ...
i don't think they ever fought.
Nope, they didn't. I think they maybe threw a kunai or something, but that's it. I should really go back and check, but..... meh.
I also don't remember them fighting at all, I think Baki just grabbed his team and quit out.
i think baki tried to stop sasuke with a kunai and genmathrew a kunai at baki's kunai and said something like " your fight is with me" and thats it. nothing more happened.
It surprises me that the anime didn't add a filler battle in for the two of them.... it seems like something that would happen *remembers Tenten vs. Temari*
hehe yea, i hated that filler with tenten and temari. but instead of adding a filler with genma vs. baki they added a little filler shit with temari vs. sasuke. would be better to do a genma vs. baki filler part.
I thought the Temari vs. Sasuke filler was pretty good, I'm happy either way.
i'm glad sasuke stompped temari's ass out. that's what she gets for being so bitchy.
Don't forget they still have to show the other jounins fighting so it could be that they'll still show Baki and Genma.
someone didnt like the tenten vs temari fight?? i thought it was awesome how they managed to connect the scenes before and after that were in the manga to the filler in the anime so well. It was a good fight for a character that we rarely get to see fight (that character, being tenten)