So what does everyone think about the potential "fraud" at NarutoFan
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So what does everyone think about the potential "fraud" at NarutoFan
i think it's just some script kiddies using dos attacks to piss everyone off. if it's a illegal and eligible for legal actions, i'd take it and sue the asshole(s).
I am trying to play the unbyast 3rd party. but it is getting harder and harder, especially now that naruto guide is down along with naruto fan, and naruto chaos had been hacked after trigunflame allegedly posted a link to a conversation him and tazmo shared, this whole thing is a big mess that is tearing us naruto lovers apart.
I am a former member of the NarutoForums Moderator team, I don't know who to believe. I mean I have known Kevin since b4 NarutoFan, but as most other webmasters said it doesnt take 600$ a month for hosting. Some site hosts Naruto Episodes and they dont use even close to that ammount. And NarutoFan only hosts Manga.
I thought they hosted anime too?[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
yeah i know they get the anime, in fact they normally get it first
they host the torrents. Not direct downloads.
What exactly is going on with 'fraud' at NarutoFan?
Some dumb bitch attack Naruto forums,and I believe GW as well.Probably associated panzees as well attack Narutofan.God,those kids must be hardcore computer nerds or something,they need t find another hobby.
What, i thought they were just redesigning this time.
Didn't the whole thing with angelic happen awhile ago?
I figured it was down this time due to redesigning as well.
They dont even host the torrents they just link to the sites where the torrents are...
some kids attacking diffrent naruto sites? damn what is this. they probably dont got much of a life.
From what I got, trigunflame left narutofan and then they had to compleatly re-write the script for the page. Naruto Chaos was also hacked, but i already said that. And now (if anyone actually noticed) naruto guide joined naruto fan.
Please explain to me how this is fraud. Trigunflame left narutofan for his own personal reasons and tazmo is showing him respect by not using tf's script for the site. I don't remember anything about site being hacked.
Or are you talking about the reason why tf left naruto fan?
yeah why tf left naruto fan, and naruto chaos's comments page about the matter did get hacked
I think someone hacked NarutoFan and altered teh dollar amount to $600 at the bottom (how much money they've recieved from fans).
There was also some argument where Trigunflame claimed that money wasn't going to where it belonged, and the webmaster trying to defend himself by saying that Trigunflame was constantly asking for his paypal account, which he considered unreasonable. This is all of course from my shotty memory, so don't take my word for it.
What fraud ? Someone provided a very well laided out site and provided my with a east access to my naruto manga and anima plus music. Yeah they did upgrader theier machine. BUT I gave money willingly to support the site. I noticed there been a few naruto sites with forums having attacks beside narutofan. I think their linked likely some little brat or grown up punk harressing the sites because they got booted for being jerks is the most likelly answer.
I used to be on Narutoforums and I am glad I am away from that soap opera!
Sheesh I mean they get "hacked" how many times? at least 4 times while I was there.
A good admin would tighten things up after being hacked and obviously did not happen.
Also this whole thing between Trigunflame and the current admin, I find rather sad.
Well they can throw mud at each other all they want I will stick here for now. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
profiting from a fansite about a series they did not make is a bad thing.....its ok if ALL the money goes towards bandwidth and server space, but if the guy is making several hundred $s and keeping it to himself, then thats just wrong