how do you GET to personal photo settings O_O
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how do you GET to personal photo settings O_O
Go here.
Upload your avatar, and make sure that you check the box that says "Set as default" or something BEFORE you click upload.
thank you O_O i tried it and i went to a talent agency thing. but i fooled around with the address then now it works thnx cmd
Sorry but the link dosen't work anymore [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]...
and can you re-explain please i am not understanding lol
link should be http://
the other link is httpS
soo (copy paste)
hey look i finnally got the avatar and sig working
Hey Knives, thats a cool Yoko Kurama sig.
I edited my link in the second post so it should work ok now.
Oh and Knives122, the max sig size is 400*80. Change it thanks.
what anime was Yoko Kuruma from? I dont think i've seen him before
Yoko Kurama was from Yu Yu Hakusho. He first appeared in the Dark Tournament saga.Quote:
Originally posted by: Budweineken
what anime was Yoko Kuruma from? I dont think i've seen him before
how do you get your pics to work? i uploaded a picture with the link that cmdr_raven posted, and it seemed to work... but i still have this stupid nerd thing. anyone?
ooh nevermind! i got it to work! thanks!
I tried logging in but it doesnt work! I type in my correct login and password for the forums but it just comes back with the same page
That's happening to me as well...
Me too.
Okay, if you are getting the error at where it returns you to the same page, you are entering the wrong password (or it thinks you are).
Try entering your original password (the one you received in the email) - it worked for me.
Cool, got my avvy working.
Question, WHERE, aside from this thread, does it say to go to in order to change your avatar? I was trying the profile link at the top of the page, but that's not right...
thx men
It doesn't work for me, I click the circle and delete some image thats up already, it says it's deleted and it's still there....
go to that page...
click delete. (it should tell you that you have 0/1 avatars).
click upload avatar.
check "set as current avatar."
upload avatar.
click "upload."