Fan Dubbing(?)
So one of the local guys has bad eyes and hates subtitles... We were just idly kicking around some ideas and realized that we actually have all the hardware needed for FanDubbing. We ran into two major problems:
First, and most important, is there any interest at all in Fandubbing? Assuming that it is high quality (despite being the product of non-professional voice actors) would anyone even want a Fan Dub? Personally i will tend to favor Subtitles, but i think that this would be a fun project if anyone else were interested in the things.
Second, assuming that there's enough interest to go ahead with things, we would need a piece of software that can seperate the audio track into vocals and everything else. I know such stuff exists, but i have no idea what it might cost... If anyone has worked with that kind of stuff before, input would be appreciated.
Hopefully a decent number of people will reply to this, even if it's only to say "Not interested."
Thanks for you time...
Fan Dubbing(?)
frankly i prefer to heard the voices of people speaking in japanese =P, but it sounds really interesting =)
Fan Dubbing(?)
I think this can be a good idea for those who prefer dubs, though i myself as well as many others do prefer our japanese dialogue and subtitles. But there is still a community who prefers dubs.
However witht hat been said, I myself had downloaded a Naruto fan Dub.... and it was perhaps the most single most horrrifying thing I have seen, it haunts me in nightmares still to this day. The voiceing was just way way over the top, even more so than Pee-wee's big top adventure !! But if these can be done by real amateur voice actors or the such with a full on cast of voice actors (you know at least more then a couple peep) It might be something for the dub prefered community to look forward to.
Fan Dubbing(?)
Ah.. Fandubs...
im not a huge fan of dubs... some dubs are good (cowboy bebop) and some are bad (love hina)
The only way i would download a fandub is if it was a parody, i couldn't sit through a couple of guys/girls just spewing off dialouge.
Fan Dubbing(?)
Maybe if you have a bunch of people who are passionate about the series that's being dubbed and those people can actually act, you might be able to turn out something decent, or even better than a lot of the dubs out there. There are a few good ones, and even some that I almost prefer dubbed. Almost.
Fan Dubbing(?)
Splitting the voices from the rest may be possible but dont hope too much for it. The way to do it is the following:
You invert the left or right stream of the sound (stereo sound consists of two different streams as you know). This can be done with quite some programs and one is Cool Edit. Now that it is inverted you merge it with the original sound and all sounds that are existent on both the right and the left stream will be neutralized while youll keep everything else. The shitty part is for one; the voices dont necessarily need to be existent on both the streams and if they arent you cant remove them. Another problem is voices arent the only thing that usually appears on both of the streams thus you may end up removing more of the sound than just the voices.
If you want to remove all except for the voices your in deep shit but logically thinking you could remove everything that isnt existent on both the streams and hope the voices are what remains. How to do this is for you to figure out because I have never done such a thing and dont have a clue on how to.
Fan Dubbing(?)
Yeah without the separate channels method, it's impossible (or, more accurately, extremely hard) splitting voices from non-voices. And won't it be common for there to be a changing mix of voice and non-voice on each channel?