Fansub Groups
I thought it would be a good idea if everyone could make a list of all the Fansub Groups they watch anime from, and then list the series they are getting from them... I'm really looking for Current Anime or series that have just been completed like a month ago...
animeone: Naruto, GunGrave, ROD TV, Chrno Crusade PMK, Macross Zero, Paranoia Agent
anime-kraze: Inuyasha, Area 88, 100 Stories, Yugo
anime-keep: Maburaho, KGNE, FMA, Avenger
anbu: Naruto, FMA
kaizoku: One Piece
animeforever: Flame of Recca, Gilgamesh
animepitstop: Eden's Bowy
woofnick: Wolf's Rain
LMF: Ghost in the Shell
Onigiri: Shadow Skill
spectre-anime: GM Saiyuki, Saiyuki Reloaded
animeskyscraper: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
hikari: Hitsuji no Uta,
zhentarim (dvd ripping group): Project ARMS
anime-legion (dvd ripping group): Rahxephon, Gunsmith Cats, Argento Soma, King of Bandit Jing
12ktp: Twelve Kindoms
wizzu: Texhnolyze
anime-cookies: E's Otherwise
live-evil: Condor Hero, Mermaid's Forest
Hawks: Grappler Baki series 1
Miyuki-fansubs: Grappler Baki series 2
anime-otakus: Prince of Tennis, Detective Academy Q
I might have forgoten some... I'll add them later... please post the fansub groups or dvd ripping groups you are using and please make it currently released anime...
RE: Fansub Groups
animeone: airmaster (with HQA), Daa Daa Daa, Galaxy Railways (with Live-Evil), Gokusen, Gungrave, Hunter X Hunter Greed Island Final (with Nandeyane, DVD versions), Mezzo TV, Naruto (with ANBU), Paranoia Agent, Peace Maker Kurogane, Chrno Crusade, Read or Die TV, a couple random OVA's (mzero, guarts)
anime-kraze: I know they've got a lot of series too. you're missing a couple.
anbu: yeah, missing a couple thre...
I think maybe using already built lists is a better idea... for example all the unlicensed stuff that people are doing is listed at www.animesuki.com/group.php . Animenfo.com also keeps a fansub group stat page. As does baka-updates.com ... check them out.
RE: Fansub Groups
Well my intention wasn't to list all the series that the groups are releasing... my real intention was to list the ones that I'm watching...
I forgot to put in animeone: Mezzo DSA and Gokusen which I'm also watching...
My intention was for people to list what they are watching just to get an idea of what other series the members are watching and also with the group they are getting it from...
RE: Fansub Groups
AF-F: Flame of Recca (not very active), PMK (4 eps behiend), Gilgamesh, Chrno Crusade, Yumarria, innital seed (not active right now).
Sounchan: FMA (departed from AF-F).
Iy4ever: Inuyasha, Misaki's evee (serious spelling mistake on my behalf).
AF-F stands for AnimeFansub-Forever. Iy4ever stand for InuYasha4ever
i guess that's all i can contribute to the list...
RE: Fansub Groups
Animeone: Naruto
Lunar Anime: Peace Maker Kurogane
AnimeJunkies: Yumeria
RE: Fansub Groups
is RiceBox still subbing?
RE: Fansub Groups
Wow, you must have a lot of free time on your hands. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Lately I've only been watching Naruto and Kdramas.
RE: Fansub Groups
lately I've been keeping up with mostly aone stuff, 'cause of the whole "being on staff" thing.... pmk, naruto, rod-tv, airmaster, gokusen, paranoia agent ....
I've been watching keep's maburaho, but from what I'm hearing that may not be happening a whole lot more...
other than that I'm mostly just collecting, and rewatching old stuff. Revisiting Hunter X Hunter with a couple friends, reviewing RahXephon, there's a couple other random old-ish things I've been watching ....
mostly though I just download everythign to binge-watch later.
Fansub Groups
Kumiriko: Yes, but not frequently... they are still doing Yaiba if not mistaken
Xollence: Yeah I have some free time... but I dont watch all those episodes at the same time... most of them I've already watched and just watch the episode that was just released.... it's a mere 20 minute episode.. doesnt take that much of your time... And also some of them I'm not up-to-date in the current episode so...
and like complich8 said, I download most of the stuff to watch later-on on one sitting when I have nothing to do
Complich8: would you mind starting a thread about your thoughts on Rahxephon... I'm sure many people have their own interpretations on the whole story and I'm curious on your take...
RE: Fansub Groups
ph34ful .... I dunno, I think I'd rather suspend my interpretations until I rewatch it .... since I haven't seen it all in like 8 or 10 months...
I can sum up my feelings on it though .... "RahXephon is everything that Eva should have been"