Naruto Seeding!!!
I think it needs seeding its going way to slow to download! could some one olease seed it!! its like going 1 to 4kb per sec worst 0kb so please do seed all naruto files please best is to seed all so that i won't have to worry an complain much...
RE: Naruto Seeding!!!
You want someone to seed all the naruto episodes?
I think it would be better if you started out small and ask someone to seed episode one.
Or you could always go on irc or kazaa. I think kazaa has some of the earlier episodes.
RE: Naruto Seeding!!!
no hanx for kazaa it spoils me computer.. i'm useing bit torrent its faster an safe.. so it be better if you guys seed all torrents too... it will do alot of help [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Naruto Seeding!!!
Baka, stupid!, not just you alot of people are too narrow to realise things
Download mIRC if you haven't already got it
Connect to irc.rizon.net
Join #animeone the channel of AonE
/msg AonE|botname, To get botlist go to http://orochiaria.homeunix.net:8080/dls/aonexdcc.txt
join #toriyamaworld at irc.enterthegame.com, there's a bot called "^_^" he has all TW Naruto eps
You'll get your maximum speed of the bots they're usually 100mbit's
Fuck the BT if it's older eps, even newer ones are better at irc..
Just a tip.. advice...
RE: Naruto Seeding!!!
i never had a problem with BT to tell you the truth o_O