Because there isn't a topic about Air Master i decided to start one.
For those who haven't seen it, and want to know what it's about:
Present day, Tokyo...
Aikawa Maki, 16 years old, is a first year senior high school student known as the Air Master. An invicible street fighter. Most of the time, she is just like a normal girl but she's a different person when she's out in the streets.
Once a gymnast of Japan, Maki is now establishing and reviving the legend of "airborne street fighting" as an Air Master. A fighting style based on one's jumping strength and movement while airborne. So she can once again feel the excitement of being a gymnast, she seeks the strongest opponents to battle.
Airmaster is dope. Once you start watching your hooked. There is't really much of a story but the episodes are cool. What the anime lacks of story they make up with the crazy characters.
If your not waching this you should start.
Airmaster episodes can be found here
There currently at episode 21. (AJ has subbed them al but i'm watching the AoneHQA!N versions.)
But because it just came out and 24 hours haven't passed yet only discussion of the previous episodes is permitted.
Episode 20 discusion:
Episode 20 was off the hook.
Notice how that Ninja resembled Rock Lee from Naruto.
I was also wondering what the pupose is of the Fukamichi Rankings. I think the scout is Fukamichi himself and wants to fight against Maki. To see who's stronger.
And I think he's is probably the strongest out there. He wipped Nagato's ass with ease !
(by the way, How can he be sooooo GAY, is there no limit ?)
I love it!!!
Is a lot of fun!
EP 14 is my fab!!
RE: Airmaster!
I dunno...never seen it...sounds kinda lame,but I'll give it a chance..lol
Thx For all the info tho[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
RE: Airmaster!
Well i have seen all the episodes (27) subbed.. I think DarkAnime have subbed them all..
The series is good exept Maki never loses.. Even when she should lose.. And Mina is so damn anoying.. Other then that it is a great series..