Been looking for decent size fansubbed episodes of this series, I'm sorry if this has been brought up multiple times but the search thingy at the top didn't help me if anyone has posted this info before. Also looking for Rune Soldier Louie, El Hazard, and Kiddy Grade.
I've got the whole series (and the TV trailer http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/smile.gif) of WHR, as subbed by RiceBox. A couple of tiny video glitches, but do you really care when you've saved so much?
Anyway, if you haven't already got it, get your hands on eDonkey 2000 at http://www.edonkey.com. It works like Kazaa, but it's vastly superior (mostly because it connects and hasn't got the participation rating). I got all the WTR's and a load of other stuff (noatably Ranma ½) all off eDonkey.
Hope this helps.
PS. The files are about 130Mb each, allowing you to fit 5 or 6 to a CD. Easy on the wallet, too http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/smile.gif