I believe the term that you're looking for is anti-semitic. From what I've heard he did the opposite.
When the Temple elders met to decide Jesus' fate and to secretly try him, Mel had some who spoke out against what was being done.
Also, I was told that history records the man who took up Jesus' cross as being African. In the movie, they said he was a Jew.
The movie shows a full spectrum of people who were cruel and those who were compassionate. In the end, some of the cruelest were the Roman soldiers, and some of the most compassionate were the Jews.
My mum said it was in Aramaic ... but I wouldn't be surprised if some parts were in Latin—isn't that the language the Romans used? Some of the stuff Pilate and his people said sounded like words that have become used in English. It's pretty crazy that the actors had to know or learn the language(s) to do their parts in the movie ... I thought that was cool.
The devil-baby scared me. I had no idea what was up with it, other than some sort of evil-ness ...
And as for the violence, I'm not sure what I thought. I'm sure it could've been like that for Jesus, but then I started wondering why the other two men were almost uninjured. I mean, why all the lashing after his initial punishment? Even if they did that to him, why wouldn't they do the same to the other criminals?
The lashing was supposed to be done as his final punishment. Unfortunetly, some of the people were still unsatisfied and demanded crucifixtion afterwards.
Not religious or anything but from reading many good reviews , I'll be checking it out. Don't know why you people really need hush up on the spoilers, I mean c'mon it's Jesus. http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
(note to Joker-kun: I don't think it's about waking people up to Jesus that's the problem. It's about whether this particular religion is right and whether there really is such a thing as a supernatural diety.)
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (joker-kun @ Feb 29 2004, 10:28 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I am planning to see this movie, maybe it'll finally wake some people and show them what Jesus really did do for us. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Wake people up? Quoi? JFC that sounds like a bit of an narrow minded comment...
Meh, whatever, I'll probably download this when it comes out, sounds relatively interesting, if it has evil stuff and gore it ought to be pretty cool....
is this movie good? cause it sounds very interesting should probably see it when it comes to my town. fuckin hate to live in sweden sometimes.
I'm too young to watch this in the theaters by myself. Ill probably get it off the net or something.
I heard soem guy got a heart attack from watching movie... is it really that bad/gory?
I haven't seen it but i'm pretty pissed that Jesus is represented as a white person. No offence to white people but Jesus most likely had dark skin. Also from what i've read the movie only focuses on pain, violence and the downfall of christ instead of focusing on the message christ was trying to spread. I'm not really religious and i haven't read the bible but you guys need to know that you can't take everything from the bible literaly. I'm sure half of the stuff in the movie never really happened.
If your intrested on reading a good review on the movie i'll scan it from the new yorker.
Oh and also if you think the roman's were bad maybe you should read about things the chruch did to disbelievers and heretics. It's pretty sick. They tortured everyone who disagreed with them.
So what did people think about it? It was pretty blood soaked, and it actually looked very real, they didn't pull any punches.
Couple of questions though... how can Mel Gibson direct it when it's done in Latin or whatever language it is?
And who or what was that baby-like creature the devil was holding? Weird.
Overall, really well made. Left me feeling pretty drained.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ad4mz41 @ Feb 29 2004, 05:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I heard soem guy got a heart attack from watching movie... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Think of it this way. Pokemon gave people seizures. And yes it was that bad.
Jesus led a very active life (at least during the last three years). Its not surprising that Mel only chose to focus on one element of that, ie. the pain and suffering.
About the atrocities committed by the church, I know they have been numerous throughout the two thousand years of its existence. I only ask they you not judge most of us by the actions of some. Based upon Biblical teachings alone, its obvious that those people were not acting in the good of the church or in the name of God.
That stuff about the devil was all imagery that Mel added in. I don't know how much we could talk about it without giving "spoilers" to the movie. I know its a two thousand year old story, but people will be going to see Mel's personal interpretation.
I had hoped it would be an evangelical tool, but it doesn't seem to have turned out that way. Its a great movie for Christians to see and a reminder about what He did for us, but its not a very clear story in the movie, so people unfamiliar with the material might not come away with all there is.
I don't know what language he did it in. Back when production was going on a year or two ago, I heard it was going to be in Aramaic. Never having heard Aamaic, I can't tell if that was the language that was used. I could see it being Hebrew too. Does anybody speak Hebrew who saw the film?
I'm pretty sure Pilate (the roman general) spoke French at one point, if only for a few lines.
wow sounds intresting must check it out
I have not seen it but hope too, I personally think it can be used as a "evangelic tool" as someone phrased it. There is alot of good speculation about it, all these people who do say Mel Gibson is anti-jew (forgot the other term) im sorry I think are fools. Its based on the bible, from what ive heard and seen there is nothing different, if they still have this belief after words they truly do need to read the bible and get a relationship with god, and most of the people who dipicted it as anti-jew thought that way when they walked in, I expect great things from this movie and am happy to see finally someone truly standing up for god in hollwood, not candy-coating things.
Oh yeah and for your question, I believe he directed it in english and just had someone translate or re-write the script in {aramic}?
And I heard it said up there and on TV that the devil dude wasnt necessarily real, it was just like Mel's dipiction of evil, so id imagine if he was holding a baby it must have been another.
I am planning to see this movie, maybe it'll finally wake some people and show them what Jesus really did do for us. Also people complain about bloodyness, yet it was worse then this if you read the bible, not only that but if its that hard too watch imagine how hard it was for him to live through it, not only the pain, but being mocked and treated like absolute trash.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VagabondLBD @ Feb 29 2004, 04:50 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I haven't seen it but i'm pretty pissed that Jesus is represented as a white person. No offence to white people but Jesus most likely had dark skin. Also from what i've read the movie only focuses on pain, violence and the downfall of christ instead of focusing on the message christ was trying to spread. I'm not really religious and i haven't read the bible but you guys need to know that you can't take everything from the bible literaly. I'm sure half of the stuff in the movie never really happened.
If your intrested on reading a good review on the movie i'll scan it from the new yorker.
Oh and also if you think the roman's were bad maybe you should read about things the chruch did to disbelievers and heretics. It's pretty sick. They tortured everyone who disagreed with them. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
No, the movie was pretty accurate. Almost all of the things are mentioned in the Bible.
And are you saying Jesus was black? Hmmm... I don't think there were too many black Jews back in, there still aren't many today. What exactly makes you think he wasn't?
The movie wasn't about the downfall of Christ. It was suppose to show everyone what pain Jesus went through for us. They did get the message across, Jesus died for our sins.
Something I don't understand though, there were some Jewish groups that bought all the movie tickets and burned them so that no one can watch it. What does this solve? Aren't they bascially giving money towards the movie anyway?
Yeah the movie may be accurate to the bible but do you really think everything in the bible is true?
Also i said jesus most likely had dark skin. I didn't say he was black. A lot of the people who lived in that part of the world had dark skin.
I don't really want to get into my opinions on religion cause I know if i do then we will get into a long arguement. So let me just leave it at that. http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/smile.gif
A lot of people in that part of the world may have had dark skin, but it's unlikely that a Jew such as Jesus would have. There's no reason for us to believe that, at least not to a point to get pissed about it like you said you were.
well i still havn't seen this mainly because im an ex godworshiper i don't do that stuff anymore
so considering my stature on the hole religion thing,do you guys suggest i see this movie
was it good
Yes, it's a good movie to see in its own right, even if you're not religious.