I've been trying to get on Box Torrents recently, after I had to re-install Win2k because some software decided to throw a hissy fit.
I've been using the same link that I always use (http://crackrock.net/~box/tracker) to jump straight to the downloads page, but it never wants to load, but did before my rebuild. I've even had no luck with http://www.boxtorrents.com. Neither work on my mate's laptop either (yes, it is connected to the Web).
Have Box Torrents temporarily disappeared, or have I just got something set wrong? I really need to get on the site soon, as I have some near-completed downloads that I need to get off my HDD, to free up some space for my 3D video rendering. I'd be a shame if the site has closed, as it was really good (it had CardCaptors. I've been looking for that for ages http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/tongue.gif )
Any help appreciated http://forums.gotwoot.net/html/emoticons/smile.gif
Well i can tell you nothing is wrong with your computer cause the site doesn't work for me too.
I don't know if it is closed permanantly though.
Never thought of looking the in General sub-forum.
Anyway, rats! Have to keep an eye on this.
Thanks for the info, Joker-kun.
get this. I'm just 2KB's away from completing a 4.7 or 5GB series download from that place o.o;
How unlucky am i =P