Alright I've written a few theories myself (most of them out of jest) about things in the Naruto World. Post some of your own if you want. Go nuts here, ranging from the possible to insane.
Tsunade is Naruto's Mom.
What we know is that Tsunade's Brother looked a lot like Naruto. And we know that Tsunade had a fling with a guy named DAN (what a great japanese name!) during the great ninja war. Plus she is about 50 years old, while Naruto is 13.
50 - 14 (9 months too) is about 36 which is plausible.
Another Ex:
Naruto is a fishstick in disguise - who so happens to be the distant relative of the fishstick that was eaten by the 4th - who choked to death by a bone in the fishstick. But before he died he managed to seal the Kyuubi and placed the seal on the fishstick he was going to eat next (NARUTO!) This imense chakra embedded in the fishstick allowed it to permenantly change into a real human boy. Now naruto is being secretly followed by a cricket named jimminee. For what evil purpose, who knows. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif
Well, I dunno about those, but I'm hoping some people we've seen before are secretly with Akatsuki. Or at least maybe one or two. That would be a nice twist.
i think naruto has to be a normal person's kid. the series naruto emphasizes on the theme: "even if you're garbage, hard work, determination, etc, pays off at the end!" (whatever). so if naruto is tsunade's son, that means he already comes from a super shinobi type of family, which throws out that theme.
i think the thoery about jiraiya and tsunade being yondaimes parents is better and that yondaime is narutos father which would lead to that naruto is related to 1st and 4th hokage. if you take in consideration the similarites between jiraiya and 2nd hokage, its possible that jiraiya is second hokage's son and therefore naruto would be related to all hokages exept 3rd.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Everon @ Feb 23 2004, 02:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Naruto is a fishstick in disguise - who so happens to be the distant relative of the fishstick that was eaten by the 4th - who choked to death by a bone in the fishstick. But before he died he managed to seal the Kyuubi and placed the seal on the fishstick he was going to eat next (NARUTO!) This imense chakra embedded in the fishstick allowed it to permenantly change into a real human boy. Now naruto is being secretly followed by a cricket named jimminee. For what evil purpose, who knows. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/blink.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
that was the funniest explanation i heard http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
..it just so weird that you might be right http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
my theory is that naruto is a bio weapon experiment gone WAAAY wrong...
i mean why do think almost evry1 wants naruto?
they want to save the human race from being exterminated... [enter X-file music here http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif ]
Maybe I didn't make this clear but this is just a fun post. I'm not being serious, lol. To make this more interesting, ask a question and have other folks come up with the theories.
Question: We all know Lee wears an leotard because he likes emulating his sensei, but why does Gai wear one?
He thinks it helps him train (he also thinks it helps him with the ladies but we all know how well that works...).
I think Naruto's purse/frog thing is actually a super-powered jutsu that will show itself in the next couple chapters!
Note: I, of course, am joking.
OMG!!! Neji and Hinata are Narutos parents!!!!! LOL.
Anywho, (however creepy the above is) I've seen my share of weird theories...
Oh my...
That was definitely the most disturbing theory I have read so far...MUST POUR ACID ON EYES TO CLEAN!!!
I like that fishstick theory.
are you referring to when kakashi was rock climging and opened a gate to get up the last part of the hill? correct me if i'm wrong but it looked to me like thats what he did. but kakashi already had knowledge of the gates so i don't think he had to learn that from lee
It appeared to me that kakashi did open a gate durring the rock climb. Also I think that the 4th hokage is Narutos father because if you are going to seal some deamon in a child whos would you choose, your own child or someones from the village. In my mind I could never do something to someone else, if I would be willing to do it myself. That would also explain why the 4th and Naruto look alike.
Also I wonder how does Naruto get money? Maybe his frog creates money because it look funny when it is stuffed full.
Well thats enough of my crack crazed ideas.
I actually like the theory that Kakashi is Jiraiya and Tsunade's son better than the 4th is Tsunade and Jiraiya's son.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Feb 24 2004, 12:16 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> kakashi does not need to copy anything from lee. kakashi can do 10x what lee can. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Thats because Lee only knows and only wants to learn Taijutsu! Orelse Lee would kick Kakashis butt!!!...no not really! Im just defending Lee http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif .
george bush looks for wmd in sound, liberates it instead. naruto and sasuke go home complaining 'waste of time'
i think the 4th could be naruto's father as well it could probly end up explaining a lot. BUT, it was also explaiined earlly that naruto's parents had died and it became a secret not to let naruto know anyything. but when he found out that he was the demon fox from mizuki you'd think that it would have also been explained who naruto's father was. if you ask me ppl would have though higher of naruto if his father was the one that sealed the kyuubi.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Karma @ Feb 24 2004, 11:27 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> This is my second post, so please, no newbie flaming....Anyways, the theory that stuck out in my mind was that Kakashi was Jiraiya and Tsunade's son. I don't think this is true because there was a war going on when Kakashi was born, and Jiraiya and Tsunade were a main part of that, so unless they just snuck off for a quickie....nevermind. So it would be kind of difficult for them to have a child in the middle of a war, PLUS we are pretty certain that they never hooked up because Jiraiya is always saying about how he was so close to getting her to go out with him. My theory is that Kabuto will try to kill Sasuke but will die in the process, leaving Orochimaru alone to look for a new lackey. Another popular theory i've read about is Kakashi copying the Gates from Lee, or maybe just knowing them. i need one thing cleared up though, did Kakashi use his Sharingan when Lee opened the Gates? If so I believe that it was jus to keep up with the movments and analyze what Lee was doing, not to copying the move (which I believe is uncopyable http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...aughbounce.gif ). Anyways that's just my two cents.
Karma </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
the sharingan copys movement such as seal the opening of the gate didnt use a seal so he couldn't have copyed it
This is my second post, so please, no newbie flaming....Anyways, the theory that stuck out in my mind was that Kakashi was Jiraiya and Tsunade's son. I don't think this is true because there was a war going on when Kakashi was born, and Jiraiya and Tsunade were a main part of that, so unless they just snuck off for a quickie....nevermind. So it would be kind of difficult for them to have a child in the middle of a war, PLUS we are pretty certain that they never hooked up because Jiraiya is always saying about how he was so close to getting her to go out with him. My theory is that Kabuto will try to kill Sasuke but will die in the process, leaving Orochimaru alone to look for a new lackey. Another popular theory i've read about is Kakashi copying the Gates from Lee, or maybe just knowing them. i need one thing cleared up though, did Kakashi use his Sharingan when Lee opened the Gates? If so I believe that it was jus to keep up with the movments and analyze what Lee was doing, not to copying the move (which I believe is uncopyable http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...aughbounce.gif ). Anyways that's just my two cents.