i was going over my manga folder and i noticed that i have a few mangas by someone named Hiroki endo, after i read them ("boys don't cry", "for those of us who don't believe in god", "the crows, the girls and the yakuza") i can pretty much say that he's one hell of a writer, it's like kare kano being doused with a bucket of 'mature darkness' drugs...
so anyway, i'm looking for more of his manga's, can anyone give me names and downloads links?
Hiroki Endo
You should read Eden(It`s an endless world)It`s my favorite manga, I love it
There already 8 bands.
I think you`ll like it
Hiroki Endo
Link? Channel on IRC? anything from which i could get it from?
since the fall of MIRC-X network, alot of groups moved to strange networks, so it's immpossible to keep track of all of them...
oh, i'm the same guy who open the topic, the new forum hates me...
Hiroki Endo
Sorry there are no links.
I bought it in store.
I even don`t know if this Manga is translated into english.
Maybe you can get it over amazon or sth like that