"The February 9th edition of Variety has an article about Gonzo's Samurai 7. The full article can be read here (requires membership), or in the Feb 9 print edition.
Items of note mentioned in the article are that the first Samurai 7 teasers will be shown at the MipTV mart in Cannes this spring and that the first full episode will be ready this summer. According to Kyoko Kiriyama at Media International (Samurai 7 co-producers), several US companies have expressed interest in the show but Media International is taking it to MipTV because they believe that it is "well suited for TV networks."
According to the article, the TV series is being filmed in high definition at a cost of roughly <u>$300 000</u> per episode, more that twice the average cost per episode for anime TV series.
Samurai 7 is a futuristic remake of Akira Kurosawa's world renowned 1954 film, Seven Samurai, and is being produced with a target audience of 12 to 40 in mind, with an emphasis on older teenagers.
Here's a link, not much but it's about the people making it Here
Fuck the anime! Just watch the damn movie!
lol i agree that movie is the greatest.
I don't really see how you can make a series out of it. Maybe a short series but not something long. I guess thanks for the info. Sounds like a cool idea.
acutally i own that movie but i havent found myself time to watch it. and i didnt really get what they said in that article.. they said that the show had a filming cost of 300.000 but is it an anime?
btw anyone seen akira kurosawa's Yojimbo? that movie is really good.
Yes Yojimbo is awesome also.
There was also talk of making a video game with the same premise (futuristic samurai action). I really don't see how they can make an anime series from this either. Unless they save a town in every episode, or attempt to try to introduce one character an episode and then save the town(s) in the rest.
Akira Kurosawa had more directing talent in his pinky finger, than most of the animation directors operating today.
To say one one of the greatest movies of all time is boring, without even watching it....well I guess you are from Sweden and they might not have it there, so I will let you slide.
This anime sounds fairly decent, but it would be tough to top the original. Kurosawa pretty much started the Western genre with his Samurai flicks, Yojimbo inspired A Fistful of Dollars with Clint Eastwood (Filmed in Italy), and Seven Samurai inspired the Magnificent Seven. Not too mention Rashomon, which has inspired TONS of flicks like the Usual Suspects, Basic, etc...
Oh and 300,000 an episode sounds like BS to me. I hope they are talking Yen.
It says U.S Dollars I just have to believe what they say, shouldn't I do that.. ?
In another topic, someone recently pointed out the flash animation series Ninjai. When I checked out their website, they said they were experiencing difficulties getting each episode done in a timely manner acceptable to fans. They said that among possible solutions they looked into independent animation companies. These companies ranged from $8,000 to $30,000 per second of animation. Given those numbers, I can believe an entire episode costing $300,000.
Hatake Kakashi, dont let him off the hook just because he is swedish i am also swedish but i know those movies i even got 3 of akira kurosawa's movies. and itachi_ you cant say that a show is going to be good just because they spend lots of money on it. just look at hollywood movies, they spend more than you will earn in a life time on one movie and many movies come out crappy while low budget films can be awesome for example LOTR trilogy and yes it is low budget.
Yeah look at the new star wars movies. Shitload of money but they suck balls.
Itachi_: It's your loss. You're missing out on some of the best movies ever. If you really hate B&W movies than i suggest you see Ran. That is a Kurosawa movie but it's in color. You would probably like it.
I have to agree with Pervert-Sennin-Jiraiya, his stupidity has nothing to do with race.
Because a film is black and white it is bad? I feel sorry for you that you will never get a chance to watch Schindlers List or Samurai Fiction, not to mention the tons of other great black and white films.
I take that back. I don't have sympathy for ignorant people.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VagabondLBD @ Feb 20 2004, 05:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Yeah look at the new star wars movies. Shitload of money but they suck balls. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You just didnt say that Star Wars sucked right? Na' you couldnt have... I think it ws just my imagination... at least say that Water World sucked for the high budget they had... but Star Wars??? Come on
A movie from 1954 sucks! each anime episode cost $300.000 that's alot i'm expexting much from it.
I liked Water World and episodes 4, 5, and 6 of Starwars (the one's with lower budget). 1+2 have been crap so far, they have one chance left to redeem themselves.
Sorry to be a jerk and point out that Schindler's List did have color, albiet just a little girl's jacket. That one wasn't done B&W because it was before color, like most of what we're talking about, but more to demonstrate the seriousness. More great B&W shows: Marx Bros. movies, and Three Stooges episodes.
Both Schindlers list and Samurai Fiction are recent films, which is why I mentioned them specifically. The dumbass didn't say "old black and white" films, he only said "black and white" films.
It's because of ignorance like his that people ignore great films like the original Metropolis, M, Seven Samurai or Duck Soup.
Clerks is also a fairly good movie and that is black and white.
Oh and Perv-Sennin, it is good to see that Kurosawa films are watched in Sweden, and that people like them. Itachi_ you really need to watch just one and I think your mind will be changed about Black and White flicks. Watch Yojimbo and Seven Samurai and you will see just how awesome they can be. Don't expect much special effects wise, but the drama and dialogue is top notch.
"Go home, a life of porrage is best"
~Sanjuro, in Yojimbo
One of my favorite lines.
That has to be one of the most ignorant things I have ever read on a message board. So the film sucks because it is 50 years old, but an anime based off of it will be good because it costs $300,000 per episode? Obviously the director (or someone else at Gonzo) thought highly enough of this movie to make an anime out of it.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 20 2004, 03:15 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> A movie from 1954 sucks! each anime episode cost $300.000 that's alot i'm expexting much from it. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
you must be the most stupid person on this forum. you cant say that those movies sucks. you dont know a thing. the anime seems to be crapy.
black and white, boring...
I'll admit that I haven't seen alot of early Japanese or Chinese cinema, although i'd like to, but I have seen a fair amount of older American movies. They don't have explosions. They don't have flashy costumes. They've got some great characters and plot though. I don't think I've seen a suspense movie that can hold a candle to a Hitchcock. And old comedies are just as funny as new ones (less stupid-humor too - I hate you Will Ferrel).
I've got severe ADD, so I enjoy my explosions, flashing lights, and moving colors, but even I don't consider old movies boring just because they leave that out.