There's no automatic thing you can do to make the text and logos just "poof" disappear. If you want, you can try using the clone tool (looks like a stamp) by holding down alt and clicking on an area, then brushing over the section where the logo is—this should "clone" the area you clicked and pressed alt on, onto the area you brush it. It won't be perfect but that's the best I can think of, aside from just cutting off the section of wallpaper entirely.
Did my instructions make sense?
Well I'm not really a nOOb but when it comes to photoshop I am.
I was wondering if its possible to lift text off an existing image.
This is the image I'm trying to modify. I would like to lift off all the text and logos.
I am using photoshop 7.0 and I have only had it for 2 days so if this is at all possible I would appreciate any help.
Yeah, in the case of that image, just about the only thing you can do is use the clone tool.
Remember to keep your clone brush small, and set a new clone source (alt-click) often.
goto filters->extract.
Then trace the contours of the letters with a small brush, and 'fill' the inside. This method is used mostly for cutting out anime characters and whatnot, but I suppose it can be used in this situation also.
Another idea to use the magic wand and select the wording, then copy and paste it into a new image/layer.