Check this out Samuraichamploo what's that is it some kind of anime made in flash or something, it was for that trailer i needed to have some .ram codecs... really strange...
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Check this out Samuraichamploo what's that is it some kind of anime made in flash or something, it was for that trailer i needed to have some .ram codecs... really strange...
I heard about it before and also saw the trailer... not much can be seen on it though, but there are many people that think that it will certainly be good.... I dont think it has aired yet
I saw the trailer, it was kind a wicked like Naruto. I'll download it when it comes out.
They're selling the manga in Japan.
It seems like they're making the animated version now.
Some info:
Director: Shinichiro Watanabe
Dai Sato
Shinji Obara
Character Design: Kazuto Nakazawa
Chief Animation Director: Kazuto Nakazawa
Mechanical design: Mahiro Maeda (Weapons)
Musical Performer:
Fat Jon
Force Of Nature
That teaser was pretty cool. I am not expecting the next Cowboy Bebop or anything, but it was impressive enough to catch my attention.
I will probably download episode 01 after it is aired and subbed.
I wonder what fansub groups will pick this up...
Maybe I should say, I wonder what groups won't pick this up.
Did it says something about a release date? Are there a group that have animated it?
I don't think it they're gonna air it soon. Wait a couple of months.
Maybe ANBU&Aone will sub it, just like Nartuo. That would be cool
Will it have a sketchy drawing style, like in the teaser? And how come this hasn't gotten more attention? And don't tell me it's because it hasn't started airing yet, beucase I'm an official fanboy.