has a direct link in channel
EDIT: http://www3.telus.net/hansol03/Naruto_v23_...%5bInane%5d.rar
They took the link in topic down, this is another one that was cycling around
Printable View
has a direct link in channel
EDIT: http://www3.telus.net/hansol03/Naruto_v23_...%5bInane%5d.rar
They took the link in topic down, this is another one that was cycling around
they have a direct link to download from
damn, fast is a three letter word on this forum...
no raw ?
i'll have to wait till narutofan has it since i hate mirc
edit: never mind http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif thanks sagai
Just join #mangareaders, then click on the link in the topic no big deal
Tell them thanks while you are there because this is FAST work
Alright time to talk about it!
Good job on whoever called the Split up between Sakon and Ukon. Not much went on in this chapter, pretty much all action, but it was ok.
Some people called the summoning technique too http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
I hope Kiba doesn't have to commit suicide here, but something tells me Ukon will get out of him before he finishes himself off.
I am hoping Akamaru isn't dead either http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sad.gif
OT: why does it say "please do not support or donate to narutochuushin"?
btw, WOW, amazing chapter.
that was sweet i just read it damn no spoliers yet but you have to get this one
This chapter is a typical example of what've talked about in the channel #gotwoot, he explains everything he does, "I told you, we're not using our eyes, we hunt for scent" then the opponent in this situation it was sakon or ukon, they can acknowledge that fact and counter it, make up a strategy or something, it's so stupid..
Back to the chapter, it was brave but stupid to damage himself to make ukon get damaged also.. but there are two, sakon washed away the poison he got in his eyes...
Link is dead...
dunno youll have to ask them yourself
from the way things are going if all of the geenins get killed now that would suck i mean all this for one person but i guess its better than letting oro obtain sasuke body
also seeingas how they made this chapter cover only kiba then they will make 205 finish the battle leaving us unkown to what happens to kiba and then go on to the shika fight and that will go one to 206 and then finally well see narutos fight
i was shocked to see what kiba did i really didnt think he had it in him
wow that link sure died fast narutofan should have it up soon or maybe naruto chuushin will
Ukon is probobly gonna leave Kibaīs body b4 he commits suicide...he doesnīt want to die fighting a genin afterall... and thats probobly exactly what Kiba have planned...
I didnīt really like this chapter... crazy action and a f'cked up tecnique(sp?)...
what the hell kinda summoning was that it had no beastial form it was jsut like a wall or gate of some kind what was ukon inside it
wow ! amazing chapter , he really knows how to keep me hooked.
anyone got a time machine i can borrow ?
yeah i noticed the chuschin thing too, really weird, bad blood between them ?
Rashomon is a fortress or something. So yeah I am guessing they used it as a defense.
Kurosawa did a movie that took place at it.
Google it for more info.
*frown* I'm gonna have to wait till it comes out on Narutofan because I can't use IRC (it don't work on this computer). Sounds like a great chapter though... I really want to read it! XD
still no link?
I didn't use that, but it was just one of the ads on #mangareaders
From #mangareaders:</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>01:20 < Tidus> What did NarutoChuushin do
01:20 <@BugxEarl> they stole our stuff, took out our credits and distro-ed it as their own</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>If there is one thing to get a anime-fansub/manga-fanscan group really pissed... THIS IS IT!
Summoning a door was a bit unexpected, otherwise a good chapter.
LINK i downloaded it there. Is it dead?
i have a feeling things will turn out ok, i mean who kills a puppy? akamaru aint done yet.