90 MEGS?! Holy crapshit.
Still though, I have an account here from my AMVing days and Neji is my fave character... so I'll DL it and write my thoughts later.
BTW, topic moved to Open Naruto Discussion.
It belongs there more than in a general anime fanart area.
I really liked that AMV. Its one of the better ones i have seen in a while. But two things of critizim:
1. If you were aiming for Lip syncing your really did a bad job of it.( Idont think you were)
2. If you weren't then my advice is dont have talking from the charectors unless you want them to lip sync the lyrics.
But overall the timing was great and I enjoyed the song. Good job http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
Okay then,
+ The speed increases/decreases, they added a better flow to the vid.
+ The flashes. Read above.
+ Neji.
- Horrible song, also too cheery for Neji's life IMO.
- Random lip synching looked pretty weird, but the times I saw it it was quite nice.
- File size. You could've easily gotten it down to 40-45 without losing too much quality.
Overall, 6/10. Good first try.
It says I have to register and that's too troublesome. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif
heh - yes i was trying to lip sync... the slowing and speeding were my attempts to match it =P. mercy!
I like the way the softer intro of the song times out with the flashback's to Neji's childhood, though the lyrics of the song itself might be better for Naruto than Neji.
I agree about the lipsync, though. Aside from that, overall very nice.
My first AMV. Take a look - I promise you won't be disappointed =).
And leave an opinion =D
i c. no one likes my lipsyncing huh? =P
as for the song choice - i think it'd work with any character - neji just happens to be my favorite .. hehe.