Question for other one piece reader's out there - ever since Luffy and Zoro set off Luffy has been talking about who he needs to add to his crew .. it seems like he always ended it with " and a musician" - it looks like the current Foxy pirates storyline is going to be an excuse for them to get a shipwright - but do you think they will ever get a musician?
On a similar note - as interesting of a character as Nico Robin is, she doesn't really seem to fit in - do you think she's a permanant character or just onboard to provide exposition so they can follow this aritifact clue trail?
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>In this Davey Backfight Arc he probably won't get anyone. He just lost Chopper, but he can be won back since this is the same game. Hopefully Zoro and Sanji can get him back. Of course Luffy will win his last fight, but I think he will just take the Foxy's Flag, since he doesn't like their crew. Then I think they will beat them up.
Robin is going to stay, sure she doesn't fit in, but she wants to uncover the true history, and she is essential because she is going to have to read that last tablet that is on Raftel (the last island in Grand Line).
Oda said in an interview that one of the crew will either die or leave. So far the best bet is Ussop, since he wants to be a brave sea warrior. He could die a brave death or just leave with his dad.</span>
does anybody know where i can download early issues of one piece manga? Like torrents? (could only find after issue 19 or so) I would appreciate it. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/happy.gif;
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