is it because they're starting another season?
Printable View is it because they're starting another season?
huh? what the hell are you talking about?
i thought it ended with orochimaru summoning 1st and 2nd hokage... O.o
The preview I saw was for the next episode...
my preview was ep 70 obviously since shika, naruto, sakura dn the talking dog chases after the other guys.....
what the heck version did you download? The rest of us saw Shikamaru going on his own to destract those sound pursuers so Sakura, Naruto, and Pakkan could get to Sasuke faster.
ah sry it said "Next 'Episode Number 1' Running away Style" i thought it meant episode number 1 -____- "Next Episode, Number 1 Running Away Style" i would've understood more i apologize >_>
damn i was wondering wth u were talking about next time jus read carefully and dun jump to conclusion's.
what you been smokeing .....
and where can i get some
just jokeing That preview is a small showing of the 70 episode. Didnt you know;)
he just read it wrong
it happens to the best of us
yeah ... and he's got another translation... in anbu it says:
Next time, coward number 1. it's troublesome but i've got to do this