Which movie was it?
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Which movie was it?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (CmDr_RavEn @ Feb 5 2004, 01:36 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Can't you preview BT avi files with avipreview? I was under the impression that you could. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Yes you usually can, but doesnt BT download in pieces so I think its pretty hard to.
Can't you preview BT avi files with avipreview? I was under the impression that you could.
Xollence: It was LOTR: Return of the King
CmDr_RavEn: You can play certain files with avipreview only if you stop the download and you have almost the entire file, otherwise it says that its corrupted. This particular file was in a bin/cue format and there is no way of previewing those that I'm aware of.
Usually a large file size is indicitive of two things.
1) It's REALLY nice high quality...
2) It's got a SHITASTIC compression.
Considering what happened, I guess it was the latter. And you said it was labeled as a screener? Maybe the idiot(s) who posted it either didn't know better, or wanted to get it out there so people would download their ripoff.
Plus, as good as a preview feature is (I know that a certain VCD site had previews of each copy of their stuff), I'm not sure how many BT sites would go for the idea of setting up previews. Don't they usually take up more bw than a BT file? Plus, they'd have to incorporate the previews into the layout design (which, in truth, isn't THAT hard to do)..
Also, I'm not sure how people get BTs onto the pages from their pages or whatever, but I'm unsure whether or not it's as simple as uploading a couple of images.
I could be wrong thuogh.
u can tell if the file is going to be crap quality before u download usually:
1. check file size, low file size = shit quality (i recommend 2 CD version where possible (ie. > 1gb), or ATLEAST 650mb)
2. check file name or description;
TS/Cam = camera => shit quality, dont download
Screener = DVD rip of screening DVD => decent quality but can have some scenes in black and white
DVDrip = do i need to explain?
3. make sure its an .ogg or .avi file extension. mpgs are crap quality unless theyre SVCD, and then i still dont like them particularly http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif (ogg > all!)
4. check who is ripping it and try to stick with reliable rippers to save urself getting a dodgy download or bad quality.
I just got burned in a big way. I just spent a great deal of time downloading a movie that I expected to be of decent quality because of the size (3.84GB). As it turns out it was the crappiest example of a person making a copy with a camcorder that I have ever seen. I feel that the BT client should incorporate a preview feature to allow people to weed out these kinds of injustices.
Argh I'm so pissed I can't even continue my rant. http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/mad.gif
I agree with you 100% on the BT issue. I don't wait 5 fucking hours to watch a movie with a shakey screen. But on supernova at least they tell you if its a screener or not. TS=Bad, screener=good, at least thats what my friend told me.
It was supposed to be a screener version and like I said it was a crappy internal cam. I wouldn't have minded so much but it was a really slow DL, 42hours 26minutes.
Screeners usually are DVDrips. Screener = DVD or VHS sent out to voters for various award programs
About the previewing. The way BitTorrent downloads, is in chunks in no particular order. As for AviPreview, the only program i know that does this is the one designed by AJ (AviPreview.com). I'm sure there are a lot more out there, but in the case of avi, most preview programs for the avi type can only preview from the beginning chunk. In which case, you could end up with like 10 seconds of the beginning a little 10 second gap of information, and the rest of the file after that, and still only be able to watch the first 10 seconds of the file. The longer the beginning chunk is, the more you can preview basically.
mpeg file types you can preview in from the beginning to the end through WMP. It compiles everything you have downloaded so far and reads through them. If BitTorrent dosn't allow this, i'm very surprised. Even Shareaza has a preview system for those things, so i don't see why the other BT clients can't.
Bin/Iso & other image file types can't be previewed. For obvious reasons really.
i don't know enough about the ogg files and other types to be able to state if you can or not, so i will finish here =P
Well my copies of the first 2 LOTR movies are Screeners and they are the same, if not better than the DVD rips I have of other movies.
Here's an Idea...the best quality out there is when you wait untill august and buy the RotK DVD.
but I understand wanting to watch it over and over untill the august release date...as long as you buy it after you've partaken in the piracy.
LOTR = best trilogy ever, and the crew, cast and directors deserve our money.
omg the same thing happened to me , i finished dling LOTR return of the king, and they cut out like one of the best scenes in the dam movie, the scene where legolas jumps kill the elephant then slides downt the trunk, man i was mad took me 3 days to dled too, btw who here thinks that they always give legolas http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif the kewl scenes of the movies, for example, the scene in fellowship of the ring he stabs the orucai in the eye then pulls it out and shoots the other orucai, then in the two towers he slides down the stairs shooting the dam orucais with the dam arows and in return of the king well i alrady said it, wh dont they give gimly some dam good parts, gimly is like the funniest char in the movie, besides smiggle
i'd have to agree with that...LOTR is so good plus the DVD has so much extras that you'll want...