I liked gundam seed for the most part, there were a lot of great scenes like that guy's stock of masks in his drawer but the only thing I didn't enjoy would be the massive re use of fighting scenes, either than that it was great. I didn't see the ova though, do you happen to have a link of where to get it?
I havent seen the OVA myself, just a pic from the 13th dvd. So i dont know where to get it. They did re use alot of scenes but i still loved seed.
That 5 min thing was a rumor thats been going around also with this picture. So anything can change.
I'm definately looking forward to SEED 2.
Wow if people say Gseed sucks it mean they are biased and stupid, why do you ask then?
Seriously, for a hardcore gundam fan like myself I just have to say Gseed net an above ok overall but clearly suck at some point (late-mid, ending). Old UC fan (newtype) are clearly disappointed (not me btw, just some of my other older UC gundam fan) by the lack of newtype and the pathetic artificial NT. For others like myself ---> pink hair princess stupid and useless (rip right from the blond useless princess from GW), toward the end gundam beat the crap out of the bad guys way too easily, sudden "understanding" of Asura seem cheesey, not to mention Kira is a crybaby. Yeah the MS are all flashy, but when you get down to it every single MS is just a cheap rip and mix from the previous gundam series. This is NOT to say I didn't enjoy Gseed, nor will you ever hear me say Gseed is a piece of trash. It's just that for more hardcore fans like myself we simply expected so much more. Gseed as a whole had been entertaining, really, that's just what it is, entertainment. However, if you watch MS 08 team besides the entertainment there are just so much more. God the MS aren't even flashy, but the plot basically make senses and while it entertain it allow one at least that much more insight in the characters, their emotion and somehow draw one in and able to believe that in the not-so-distant future yes MS 08 team could happen. Gseed fail miserably in that area, the character are just too 2-D, MS flashy but uninspiring, victory come too easily, blah blah blah. If you are still reading this line and still haven't doze off, wow kudos. Kudos to you who mention to hear me rant on and on and on and on.
Again, Gseed is not bad, but simply can't match those at the top.
In my statements I didnt say anyone was stupid. If you think I did you are reading FAR FAR to much into it, cuz i didnt. I did say some were baised to older gundams cuz its older anime, tho they havent watched the whole series. Which it true. Anyone can express a dislike in something. Only if they have a understanding or reference point does their statements make any logical sense. Really does it make any sense to watch it if someone hated it so much. So they either didnt watch it or enjoyed some aspect of it and shouldnt label it as crap.
<span style='color:red'>People like what they like, and hate what they hate, I suppose</span>. The reasoning behind some of that post was to come to some understanding on why SEED was hated by some. I was hoping for some reasoning besides the "it just sucks cuz it does" sorta reasoning I've been given in the past. It was not to say anything bad about a person, and nor did it.
http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/dry.gif I lose the will to comment on most things, like this. Call that post something done on the moment of reading ppl bitch about how bad SEED was and have no argument why. So I was baised on that aspect of it. To those that have an actual reason why you didnt like it, then I respect that.
Iam curious about how many ppl actually liked SEED. Personally, I loved Gundam SEED. It was my favorite of all the gundams and most animes. If you read different forums you find people that loved it and some that didn’t, saying it sucked.
For those whom say it sucked, why did they watch it if they thought it sucked? It completely owned in the later episodes. Did they watch they whole thing? If they did, why did they if they say it sucked so much? Wouldnt have been a waste of time to watch it in the first place after they thought it sucked. SEED is alot of episodes, and to watch it all and while not liking it would be a big waste of time. Thus, they have had to enjoy it at some point, and maybe they didnt like the way it turned out. If they didnt like it after watching, I understand (clearly dont agree) but that doesnt make SEED suck,they just didnt like it.
Dont be saying its just like the other gundams, cuz its not. Its got similar story elements. It is called Gundam, ppl wouldnt be watching it if it didnt have gundam type story elements. Secondly, just cuz its newer doesnt make older gundams far 133t3r, for the simple fact that they are older. Just cuz someone likes older stuff doesnt make them a better fan then someone else that enjoys watching new anime. Ideas, people and even anime evolve and get better over time. If you like the older gundams, thats cool, just do so cuz they are great, dont like them cuz they're old.
On the other hand, some people just quit watching it saying it sucked. Its seems very baised, and lacks a correct reference point (which is seeing the whole series). It’s hard to judge something without seeing the big picture. Gundam Seed isnt like Avenger here, it has a great plot, character design and a fan base etc. Unlike Avenger, ya cant just past judgement on Seed only seeing a few episodes.
On the other side of this, you have alot of ppl that did like the series. I remember when it was going to be licensed and many many ppl were worried. So clearly it has a fan base. There are websites and forums that are made for just SEED. I remember when it was a topic here back in the day, there was alot of ppl here that liked it.
Some of you may have heard that there is a 5 min OAV on the last DVD. I am sorta disappointed in that its not a long OAV or even an episode length. Its better then nothing I suppose. Although, I am still hoping that they make something longer. <span style='color:red'>Companies always want more money, so who knows what will happen. </span> SEED had fans, its clear as day it did. I hate it when ppl are like no there isnt going to be a SEED ova. No one can say that, cuz things change. As much as I hate Bandai, they are the only ones that can say there is or isn’t . Even if they say no there isnt, they could change their mind. They are a business, a multi national corporation after all, its all about money money money...
Even though, I would love a SEED 2, I voted for a longer OVA. It seems like a tease to have just a 5 minute thing, and as great an ending SEED had I was left with some unanswered questions.
i would like a SEED 2. i enjoyed this show very much and i like the flashy gundams and all im not too into those old MS gundams from the old days. but a 5 min ova sounds sucky who would buy something with only 5 min? SEED 2 or nothing.
i stopped watching after episode 17? juss didnt have it in me i guess? iuno.. to waht episode does it go upto? maybe ill start watching again