i was wondering is there newhere i can d/l this from other then kazaa cus it looks like it would take 16+ hours , Also haaaaaaaaaaaaaaai i am new be nice <3
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i was wondering is there newhere i can d/l this from other then kazaa cus it looks like it would take 16+ hours , Also haaaaaaaaaaaaaaai i am new be nice <3
You can get it from #AnimeForEver on IRC or Bittorrent
It is torrent... i dont think it is well seeded either, but give it a try
SuntUrioN beat me to it by a couple of seconds
isnt it lisenced ?
Yep... and your point is?
I got it off box torrents in a series batch in about a day, if you want the link PM me.
I'm curious why its been licensed for a while now, and Viz still hasn't done anything with it.
They licensed the manga too, didn't they?
Viz has licensed the the manga - and the first 4 volumes are out and available (you can grab fan scans of 5-33{end}) off suprnova while you are waiting for them to release the rest.
not sure about the anime - hadn't heard that it was licensed..
its actually a bit inferior to the manga anyway and ends halfway through the story.
Arigato every one !!!!<33333 i had seen the series up to 40+ something on my cousin's comp i watch them all in basically one sitting.....i know it's not as good as naruto but i rilly like it so i was hopeing to put them in a folder next to my naruto's, just got a comp of my own and i been d/l everything possible also hunter X hunter and mebbe some mores Ty!!!!!!<3333
It hurts when you say 1 ninja series isnt as good as another...
FoR is as old as Yu yu hakusho to.
lookey my avatar =D
i have the whole series on DvD, got me sucked into the shinobi world.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Noonan @ Feb 1 2004, 02:07 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Viz has licensed the the manga - and the first 4 volumes are out and available (you can grab fan scans of 5-33{end}) off suprnova while you are waiting for them to release the rest.
not sure about the anime - hadn't heard that it was licensed..
its actually a bit inferior to the manga anyway and ends halfway through the story. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Ah thanks for the info. I'll have to start buying volumes then. (I don't mind supporting North American anime and manga, unless they turned everything into pure shit)