About almost every post mentioning Dragon Ball or Z it has to be something negative. I know some people don't like that type of anime or manga but most of it is for some stupid reason and half the posts saying something negative about it have some facts about the show wrong(most common is "They could just wish so and so back to life with the dragon balls" even though you can only wish back a person once with one set of dragon balls) . About Dragon Ball Z I know why people might not like it but if you think it's too long then try the manga. Also if you think it's just about power and no skills you are SERIOUSLY WRONG, you need to rewatch all the major fights. I think there would have to drag every fight and episode(there even was a few filler sagas) since the manga caught up to the anime, the fights are a lot shorter and there are less fillers, and apart from the things lost and bad things gained in the manga - anime transition, the dub is horrible compared to the original, the music is messed up and takes away the seriousness of show and changes the mood. Tons of episodes have been cut(the cuts equal up to 20 complete episode time).
Now for Dragon Ball. I don't see why people hate this show so much, even people who like Dragon Ball Z hate this show. It also focuses more on skills than power also and Goku also loses a few major battles, the fights are better and totally unpredictible. I think this is the best anime/manga there is, just my opinion though. I think it's a LOT better than Dragon Ball Z AND Naruto. The only thing bad is the animation but this came out almost 20 YEARS ago. But it's still great, I prefer the manga but the anime is cool, I've only seen the Funimation version of the anime though, and it's been cut a lot, I can tell from the manga.
Tell me reasons why you hate this show. And actual reasons not just because it's popular and it would be better if you have read the manga(without fillers and cuts) and watched the original version(with original music and dialog and no cuts) to see how good it actaully is.
Reasons why Dragonball doesn't deserve to be called an anime, therefore not deserving to be talked about here:
- After the show started getting good after the frieza saga, they thought "oh lets make more money" and so the show continued and in came super saiyan 1 2 3 etc and when they thought "omg they're on to us" and so they turn goku into a kid, more money!
- the story is extremely obvious, someone attacks, goku's team prevails sometimes with casualties
- they got so lazy with the fight scenes they simply showed scribbles a newborn baby could make and simply said "they're going to fast to see" and of course once they reach higher levels, they can see them! however, strength DOESN'T determine eyesight
- Someone's badly injured, most often goku, and he has bruises and bleeding everywhere, however his friends give him "energy" and somehow energy heals massive blood loss/bruises
- the power level calculator thing exploding when someone's power level is too high, but thats so stupid because even a modern day calculator just says Error when it goes past the capabilities of the calculator or goes into scientific notation, and remember, they're in a age where hover cars and capsule homes/things exist. and even if the power emitted was to powerful for it, wouldn't their clothing break also?
- ok this is obvious why it's done but still, the hair/clothing doesn't get blown off during energy blasts even though it's enough to totally annihilate someone
- energy blasts seem to power up with the user's strength, but how is an "energy" blast related to someone physically? Shouldn't they have to go through separate training for it?
- Ok seriously, if that king guy could let the dead vegeta go back to earth to defend it, I dont see why he can't just leave everyone who dies down there, perfect world without death, he could just keep the bad people
- I'm going to stop now because there's tons of more reasons but this is enough to prove it's not worthy to be called an anime, therefore it doesn't deserve to be on this part of the forums
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mayunosuke @ Jan 27 2004, 11:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Reasons why Dragonball doesn't deserve to be called an anime, therefore not deserving to be talked about here:
- After the show started getting good after the frieza saga, they thought "oh lets make more money" and so the show continued and in came super saiyan 1 2 3 etc and when they thought "omg they're on to us" and so they turn goku into a kid, more money!
- the story is extremely obvious, someone attacks, goku's team prevails sometimes with casualties
- they got so lazy with the fight scenes they simply showed scribbles a newborn baby could make and simply said "they're going to fast to see" and of course once they reach higher levels, they can see them! however, strength DOESN'T determine eyesight
- Someone's badly injured, most often goku, and he has bruises and bleeding everywhere, however his friends give him "energy" and somehow energy heals massive blood loss/bruises
- the power level calculator thing exploding when someone's power level is too high, but thats so stupid because even a modern day calculator just says Error when it goes past the capabilities of the calculator or goes into scientific notation, and remember, they're in a age where hover cars and capsule homes/things exist. and even if the power emitted was to powerful for it, wouldn't their clothing break also?
- ok this is obvious why it's done but still, the hair/clothing doesn't get blown off during energy blasts even though it's enough to totally annihilate someone
- energy blasts seem to power up with the user's strength, but how is an "energy" blast related to someone physically? Shouldn't they have to go through separate training for it?
- Ok seriously, if that king guy could let the dead vegeta go back to earth to defend it, I dont see why he can't just leave everyone who dies down there, perfect world without death, he could just keep the bad people
- I'm going to stop now because there's tons of more reasons but this is enough to prove it's not worthy to be called an anime, therefore it doesn't deserve to be on this part of the forums </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
There's a difference between Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball you know(unless you're talking about the manga wich is one big manga) but you said anime. The freize saga is part of the Dragon Ball anime. Toriyama wanted to quit after the frieza saga and had nothing to do with GT(a little to do with it but he didn't want to do it). In Dragon Ball Goku doens't always wins and he fights alone not with his team at least not in major battles. The fights scenes had to be draw out because the manga caught up to teh anime. If you actually watch it you would know that they train constantly(main chairacters) there is rarely a non filler episode that Goku, Tien or Piccollo isn't training. Eneryg blasts are more powerful than the user based on the technique. Tien's Kikoho is an example which is meant to take from both teh users ki and life energy. About teh blood watch the uncut version! He let Vegeta down there because he knew if he didn't Buu will eventually destroy him and both hell so everything will be released from there. Also if you actaully watch it their clothes get ripped apart when they get hit from an energy blasts, and most of the fighters wear wieighted clothing.
But NONE of the stuff you say applies to Dragon Ball, I'm still waiting for a reason. And most of the things there apply to Dragon Ball Z, cut that is. You also haven't even watched enough to know somethings like the energy thing.
Wether you like it or not, Dragonball Z,mostly, was at the time, one of the best, if it wasnt then why was it so popular,now sure it stretched things out, but it was still good, every anime has its ups and downs, to say it sucked is simply stupidity.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Unidentified @ Jan 27 2004, 11:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Tell me reasons why you hate this show. And actual reasons </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
He asked for it. Plus rips on weighted clothing, that wasn't a comeback at all, if it could rip only at that one spot, then wouldn't the rest of it get blown away also or is it for some reason everytime they can only do enough damage to rip one part of their clothing?.
here's something against Dragon Ball, the horrible "here comes my true strentgh" parts in the piccolo saga, they said it each about five times...
I'lll admit that i liked DBZ and DB in most parts, it was usually fun to watch, and once in a saga it had a half decent fight (piccolo vs 17, for one), but it also broked records in using the same animtion multipie times, they aired the Goku VS #0 (the white android) battle a few days ago, and i counted them using the same scene three times in 10 mintues... and i was going "OMG!! WTF!!!"
both those animes were enjoyable, but not something i'll compare to Trigun, Naruto or even Ranma 1\2..
btw: is commander Red doctor Gero? i'm quite sure he is, but just to be safe
A episode is about 25 minutes long. and some may say it takes 5 days to charge up a spirit bomb. but in reality it takes around 1 hr 25 minutes which may seem reasonable since probably in real life/other sci fi flicks takes some nuclear bomb thing to charge a while. but yea Dragon ball was a good anime. Well mostly from my point of view people hates dragon ball/z is cause they want to "stick out". dragon ball/z was very popular and alot of ppl like it. so then some kid is like: omg every1 likes this anime its not special anymore im going to decide to hate this for no good reason". its just like pokemon. I mean sure they both dragged on for 300+ episodes but hey its still ok. and I bet if naruto goes to 300+ episode and doesnt get to america and gets raped. anime fans will still like it. cause 1. if it dont get to america it wont get popular. and if it wont get popular people who like naruto will still feel special for being a fan.
yea i said alot of non sence so i gonna shut up now.
Hey DB/Z got me and alot of others started in anime. probably 10% of anime people started watching DB/Z
I liked Dragonball.
But I wish I could see the original version in a subbed format.
Edit: Oh I forgot to mention my theory why people hate Dragonball.
I think its because most people watched Dragonball Z first, then watch Dragonball second. They take a look at it, see no planets blowing up, no huge energy blasts(ok DB did have huge energy blasts, but not as many as in DBZ), some enemies that you know are very weak compared to DBZ's villians, and they probaly don't like the fact that Goku's inital friends are a Pig, a Bitch(Bulma), and I forget the rest because its 3:00am in the morning for me... Anyways my point is..the reasons why they liked Dragonball Z are not that apparent in Dragonball.
It would be like if there were two series of Naruto(which I think, is gonna happen). If people began to watch and enjoy the second one first, than watch the first one-they wouldn't care that much for it like they do for the second series.
I hope I made sense... http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...aughbounce.gif
DBZ haters should die, theres no reason why you should hate this anime!
Without it, I bet alot of you wouldnt be anime fans, there wouldn't be Naruto, so forth and so on...
I agree about the repetitive fight scenes
but that can be overlooked. Do any of you know how much time, effort and money it takes to draw cartoons?? If so, shut up and stop complaining about one of the best animes of all time.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kn1ves @ Jan 28 2004, 03:16 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> DBZ haters should die, theres no reason why you should hate this anime!
Without it, I bet alot of you wouldnt be anime fans, there wouldn't be Naruto, so forth and so on...
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Heh, I didn't watch DBZ first, but I did think it was a pretty good series overall.
The first anime I watched first was Samurai Pizza Cats...
yah i started with astro boy and samuri pizza cats, man i miss that one. also saw DB before DBZ but not all of DB. so yah. if i could have seen all of DB before DBZ i would have been happer with the serise. all in all it was a good serise. and it has it's flaws. as something gets older and we grow and expince new things. old stuff dosnt seem nearly as specale as it once did.
The fact that it is simply a money making series, is what makes me steer completely clear. Yes "Dragonball", was more creative and original, but overall is just a marketing scheme to sell more trading cards and video games, blah blah blah blah blah bleh....
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Yan_Wang @ Jan 28 2004, 01:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> The fact that it is simply a money making series, is what makes me steer completely clear. Yes "Dragonball", was more creative and original, but overall is just a marketing scheme to sell more trading cards and video games, blah blah blah blah blah bleh.... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Hye buuuuuuudy, DB and DGZwasn't a money making franchise until it got to the US. All the merchandise that was produced was because the Americans found a fanbase for it and knew it was going to sell.
A money making franchise would be
And you can see why. Theres actually stuff to make toys & cards, out off..
I mean maybe DB/Z probably was a 'merchandise' anime but we all know how easy it would be to collect 7 Dragonballs http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif
Tnx to DB/DBZ i started to watch anime and tnx to it i have found tons of beter animes
So like Kn1ves said if there wasnt db/dbz we would have so much less Naruto fans!
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kn1ves @ Jan 28 2004, 06:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Yan_Wang @ Jan 28 2004, 01:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> The fact that it is simply a money making series, is what makes me steer completely clear. Yes "Dragonball", was more creative and original, but overall is just a marketing scheme to sell more trading cards and video games, blah blah blah blah blah bleh.... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Hye buuuuuuudy, DB and DGZwasn't a money making franchise until it got to the US. All the merchandise that was produced was because the Americans found a fanbase for it and knew it was going to sell.
A money making franchise would be
And you can see why. Theres actually stuff to make toys & cards, out off..
I mean maybe DB/Z probably was a 'merchandise' anime but we all know how easy it would be to collect 7 Dragonballs http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Logic dictates that if it wasn't making money, they wouldn't have made so freakin many episodes.
There's so much anime that is simply imitating DB's fight scenes. Hell, even Naruto uses some DB elements.
Wasn't Dragon Ball on the list of top 100 animes in a survey for some magazine in Japan or something, can someone post a link to it. Anyways if you have problems wtih prolonged episodes and repeating fight sequences then read the manga. If it weren't there the anime would be way past the manga. I only read a few Dragon Ball Z imanga issues but there wasn't any repeating and the fights only take like one manga issue(Vegeta vs Zarbon(form 1) fight, The saibamen fight wasn't 1 issue but it was shorter) and the Cell Kamehameha thing started in one issue and ended before the issue finished. Instead of delaying it(but I'm sure that happened) they added to the anime from keeping it ahead of the manga. Parts of Dragon Ball Z was to make money becuase Toriyama wanted to end at the Frieza saga(perfect ending, the main character dying after avenging his race by acheiving a legendary form) but because of either the fans or Toei or both he contiued.
it was OK for a while, i just didnt like the all talk less fight gig. but dont get me wrong, the fighting was alright. its just to much stalling.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (joker-kun @ Jan 27 2004, 11:55 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Wether you like it or not, Dragonball Z,mostly, was at the time, one of the best, if it wasnt then why was it so popular,now sure it stretched things out, but it was still good, every anime has its ups and downs, to say it sucked is simply stupidity. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Being popular doesn't mean it has to be good. If the audience is composed of 5-7 year olds you can get tons of popularity by doing random stuff which sucks. For example Pokemon was really popular even though it sucked because its audience were mostly little kids who don't care about a storyline, deep characters or something like that. Same thing with Dragon Ball, I think it's an excellent anime for a 5 year old, but nothing else. I think the characters, storyline and graphics are really bad for someone who has critical thinking.
Most of you who dislike Dragonball/Z are looking at this in the wrong context. I agree that by modern standards Db/Z is complete garbage but judging it by those standards is unfair. Unless you are 20+ years old Dragonball was around before you were born. For its time, Drogonball was a top notch anime. And consider that even today almost 20 years later it is still one of the most popular anime series there is. That alone should tell you that Dragonball deserves all the attention and fans it has earned in the past two decades.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Mayunosuke @ Jan 27 2004, 11:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
- the story is extremely obvious, someone attacks, goku's team prevails sometimes with casualties
- they got so lazy with the fight scenes they simply showed scribbles a newborn baby could make and simply said "they're going to fast to see" and of course once they reach higher levels, they can see them! however, strength DOESN'T determine eyesight </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
hxh ?
= teh same
i guess dbz wasn't that bad and well it helped the anime community get known, afterall i started with it...and never regretted it