Box sets generally go for dirt cheap on Ebay, because people overlook them too often. People make searches for the title of the anime they want, but this may not necessarily return all the results which has that anime in it, such as the boxsets. Rather it may return but a few results with key words.
Thus i generally use the subject links, but the US version of Ebay sucks as hell. I surfed on that, and got totally lost, it was really crap. I'm really confused on how the UK version can be so much better when the US spends more online than we do. Weird http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/huh.gif
Okay, I just loved Onegai Teacher. I could burn some low quality VCDs, maybe even a bunch of SVCDs, but eBay has this title for between $15-16 to $22 w/ varied shipping costs, say $28 tops, $22 low.
Does anyone have experience buying these type of DVD's off eBay, any caveats? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/huh.gif
I'd really like to get the English dub version, but not if it is going to be all blurry (actually had to return a Godzilla video at Wallymart...unwatchable, in the blurry, vaseline all over the screen sense).
Everything, goes dirt cheap on ebay, register an account and buy by credit card it is the easiest. I suggest when looking for something if u wanna spend the lowest possible, write in the series u want and then vcd and see what shows up most people make decent vcd sets and for absolutely amazing prices.
I personally don't trust ebay copies, most tend to be bootlegs which i'm against piracy of the market of liscened anime.
Actually E-bay DVD's are NOT the american release usually they don't have dub and sub. Often they are engrish subs instead and frankly not worth the money there cheap because there from china. If there not engrish there fansubs burned and sold which is completely illegal.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (hiroshi @ Jan 10 2004, 02:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Box sets generally go for dirt cheap on Ebay, because people overlook them too often. People make searches for the title of the anime they want, but this may not necessarily return all the results which has that anime in it, such as the boxsets. Rather it may return but a few results with key words.
Thus i generally use the subject links, but the US version of Ebay sucks as hell. I surfed on that, and got totally lost, it was really crap. I'm really confused on how the UK version can be so much better when the US spends more online than we do. Weird http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/huh.gif </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
ive never bought anime dvds from ebay, but i know for a fact that with ebay the most important thing is finding a trustworthy vendor, if its an ebay store or a person with very positive feedback, (check his feedback and actually email or contact somehow one of the people that put feedback for the seller) u can be pretty sure ur getting waht u pay/ask for, if not...well dont buy from him
hiroshi, maybe its just u? i have no problem surfing ebay in the least, its probably simply because u've grown accustomed to the uk version, or maybe the small differences in spelling between some US english and UK english words, either way, i cant see how the site is too hard to navigate personally
I still think ebay is worth it, considering the cheapest place I found all of kenshin for aside from ebay added up to $555 where on I seen it sold 4 $70 (vcd ofcourse) I am not so picky that I have to pay an extra 5 hundred dollars personnally http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/laugh.gif
i bought my appleseed DVD off ebay
no complaints about it tbh
i suggest browsing through the user's stores, as many specialise on anime, and u pick up a boxset for around £30 (UK), with little expense for postage if u live in the UK or mainland europe.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DDBen @ Jan 11 2004, 04:16 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Actually E-bay DVD's are NOT the american release usually they don't have dub and sub. Often they are engrish subs instead and frankly not worth the money there cheap because there from china. If there not engrish there fansubs burned and sold which is completely illegal. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
wth? I've never had that problem ever on ebay. Guess you were unlucky or something. I've always had either multi-region DVDs or the UK releases.
They arn't bootlegged or pirated either. Because they are mostly always still in their original packaging, with the plastic sealed bag and everything, and all the official DVD logo's you can't burn into a DVD at home.
The reason they go for so cheap on ebay, is because the stuff is either bought really cheaply from someone, or it's stolen, or it's bought through the main producers rather than off the shelf. Buying through the main vendors means you have to own a company or some sort in order to buy straight from the warehouse, but you get your stuff like 50% cheaper. So that's what people do, and re-sell them for a little more on Ebay as a way of making money.
Also, people balance out everything. They will sell some box sets or DVD at no fixed price, with a starting bid of like 0. Whilst with the other half they sell it's at a fixed price, so that they don't lose money if the bid for the ones which started at 0 don't get very high.
Oh and i've always had both the option of Dub or Sub in ALL my DVDs. It always starts off with Dubbed as default though, so have you actually checked your language selection screen on the DVDs? You probably have, and you've just been very unlucky =/
But again, i've never had that problem before.
Oh btw, the thing about the American site. I just don't find it as easy to navigate as the UK one. Try both sites without using the search engine and you will see what i mean. For instance, the american one dosn't seem to have a section for anything like the GBA, but the UK does. etc.
The super box sets that you see on e-bay are dirty cheep maybe about $10 or $20 more then the japanese ones. They are not burned copies there usely made in china or singapore mostly singapore. they have both audio on it cause they get the rights to it cheep, and it does not cost them as much because they don't have import taxes , like or minium wages like we do thus the cost is less , but also they us a higher end type of DVD i think it called DVD 9 , it stores up to 8 or 9 gigs on it that why you may find a whole series on 3 dvds with the just like the japanese DVD's well the catch is with DVD with dual audio your only Doble digtal 2.1 witch is only set for a 3 speaker system , when on the Japanese and American Relases you get 5.1 or higher makeing for a much high sound quality, and 5.1 can handel i think 3-6 speaker surround sound.
I have a few of these off of that i got from e-bay and compines in singapore and they are good DVD's but if you compare them to the other American and Japanese DVD sound you can see it big time, so you get what you pay for. I also noticed on some of the japnese DVD's have a lil bit less of a Video quality then the american and so do the dual audio DVD sometimes subtiles will be cut off do to TV types. I hope this info Help. Sorry for Grammer and spelling. Any qustions just ask.