ok here's the thing the last few animes that i have downloaded from gotwoot's place have been rather choppy and i'm not sure if its my comp my player or just that they aren't that good of versions. whateever the case may be i would appreciate it if anyone could give me advie on how to fix it. thanks in advance
p.s. if this same question was posted before please excuse my ignorance and stupidity
Well it could be anything, most likely they were not coded good, and ended up in bad quality. If you have a low spec comp. 400 Mhz integrated 8mb vid card, and stuff around that area, then the comp might be messing up. But then agian it just might be the file, try downloading a different version of that episode from diff fansubs.
ANBU & Aone
That has been mentioned before, and me and this other guy fixed it by using the AviC program located in your Xvid Directory.
Simply open up the file in the AviC program, and change both drop down menu's to DivX. (Unless it's already on DivX, in which case switch them both to Xvid.)
Should this fail to resolve your problem, you can simply swap them back to their original codec usage, and wait for someone to suggest another solution =P
Edit: oh i forgot to say. Once you've selected DivX (or Xvid, depending), in both drop down menu's. Click apply, then close the program and try the file.