hmm..... well if orochimaru already took kimimaro's body, why is kimimaro still there?
and also... how does the jutsu work? does oro just put his victums in that paralized form with a mop on his face (like kimimaro in 199) and then become younger?
He took that other guy's body, didn't he? The dude who managed to beat everyone else ... Kimimaro's someone else entirely.
I'm madly in love with your avatar, by the way.
yeah, orochimaru didnt take over kimimaro but rather that guy who won in the free for all against those other ninjas. and strangely looks like naruto somehow. i think kishimoto makes alot of people look like naruto in order to mess with us so we dont realize the real truth and puts us off the track. i think the jutsu that orocxhimaru uses is some that transfers the soul of orochimaru but he keeps his mind. his mind mixes with that of the one he takes over. the body he takes over changes to look like orochimaru's younger age and therefore appear young forever. orochimaru used a forbidden justu that he devised that planted his soul to the earth forever so his soul doesnt age and cant die.
i think that is what u wanted to know if not then i am an idiot. hahahhahaaha
what? isn't the guy that's under the napkin kimimaro? i thought kabuto was just watching something like a instant replay of what happened earlier...
yeah they guy under the napkin is kimi but kabuto was watching a live feed of the dudes in the cage fighting.
Phyre... that makes sense XD hmmm... kishimoto will explain it somehow!
Kimimaro was a spare body
Orochimaru took the guy who won the fight instead (dont know name but he looks like Kazekage/Naruto put together)
and if thats what it is... when him and sasuke fight... gonna make some good manga reading
The thought just struck me that the dude that won the tournament, could he have been weak.
Like when other shinobi were fighting , he was hiding or something. Then in the end everyone killed of each other and he is left.
I would think that it would be best if they knew somehow one of them is the most powerful and then have all the rest fight against the most powerful in the cage. Then if that shinobi wins, then its then confirmed that he is the most powerful.
Rather then random killing of each other.
Or maybe a playoff system...ops I meant knock out system.
No, tge guy was excited when Orochimaru came in because he could fight some more. I think he was one of the strongest there.
wow i thought kabuto was looking at replay of oro taking kimimaro's body (btw, did he take kimimaro?)
so how did kimimaro get into that shape? with the mop on his face
It kinda confuses me too... I think he was going to take kimimaro before he realized there was someone better... that person being sasuke. But, since Sasuke didn't arrive in time, he took the prisoner man instead (WHICH doesn't make too much sense to me because he could have just used kimimaro instead)
So yeah... that's what confuses me... he ditched kimimaro over sasuke, but didn't take him even when sasuke didn't arrive in time for the body switch.. Maybe he is depending on Kimimaro to bring Sasuke to him? ^^ That's all I can think it could be..
what i think is that kabuto gave Kimimaro that pill thing to make his curse seal lvl.2. That would explain all the machines he was hooked up to, and how his curse seal was retracting back. He would have been near death so Oro couldn't use him as a backup, so they did that tournament. That thing over Kimimaro's face did look like it had seals on it, too.