I was wonderin where you could download Initial D from vol 1 on? Inane only picked up around chapter 177,anything before seems hard to find.
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I was wonderin where you could download Initial D from vol 1 on? Inane only picked up around chapter 177,anything before seems hard to find.
um... i have no idea... but i would like to find out as well! but aren't they only on volume 5?
hmm i wonder how the manga of initial d is, i can't imagine it without the animated cgi'd cars >_<
Initial D is licensed as a Manga so its going to be difficult to find the early volumes of it. Now considering the version Released by Tokyopop is such a rehash and the DVD's of it have 2 versions because they COMPLETELY killed the Dub this one can stay and feel free to post links.
Since I've watched all the anime,I got the manga right at the end of 3rd stage.I also have some links up to chapter 202.Mangareaders is a mess for getting Initial D,i got up Volume 18 and 19 from #dailymanga@irc.mircx.com.If anyone could host volume 18 and 19,I could give the zips to them.
The drawing in this manga is wicked.Naruto looks so mediocre compared to the detail in this.
irc.mircx.com #mangareaders http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/ph34r.gif
Thanks for the links, this is the first time i've seen intial d in manga. Amazingly, i found it much better than the actual anime... well, the race scenes are better in the anime http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
Where can i get Vol.4 and up? Isn't there a site like Narutochuushin.com that you can just read the manga you dont have to download?
only v1 to v6 are available online they skip everything between v6 and 17 Inane started at 17
Where can i find vol 4-vol 6 online? Cant i find the vol7-vol16 in direct connect or suprnova?
They have all the early volumes.Then you can get the Inane ones after.