RE: Scryed..Awesome series.
Damnnnn..... I just got finished watching this anime. I loved everything about it but the anime didn't have enough music. -_-; I liked the opening though, it was pretty nice. And that one song when Kazuma is fighting Kioji. :x
RE: Scryed..Awesome series.
wow haven't heard about this anime in a while watched it a few months back and i got to say i liked what i saw, hmmm......mabey i'll watch it again.
RE: Scryed..Awesome series.
i haven't seen this series in while, and i also seem to be missing eps, and that does not make me happy.
RE: Scryed..Awesome series.
Sounds interesting......
Post some download-links please.
RE: Scryed..Awesome series.
Does anyone know the name of the song where Kazuma is fighting Kioji? I think it's around episode 17. Such a badass song.. XD
RE: Scryed..Awesome series.
And Neotracker, you can get the series from Boxtorrents. I'll prolly be seeding the torrent for a bit.