i got 4 movies that are called act1-4 dont recal what they are named though.. but a friend of mine says that there is 6 acts.. and i wonder if there are some called act5-6.
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i got 4 movies that are called act1-4 dont recal what they are named though.. but a friend of mine says that there is 6 acts.. and i wonder if there are some called act5-6.
Act1 is called The man of the slashing sword Act2: The lost cat Act3: The previous night at the Mountain Home Act4: The Cross-Shaped wound. Atleast thats what mine are called dunno if its right thought.
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GotWoot Moderator
Yep that's what my first four are called (or round abouts).
any1 know what these are called? i kinda wanna find them, would appriciate if any 1 could tell me.
Are you talking about:
Reflections - Act 1: Time Passed
Reflections - Act 2: Enishi
do u no where i can dl the movies?
You already asked in the Anime Downloads section, was this really necessary?