I need some help here, upon looking of these wallpapers.. I wonderd if this is an anime serie.. or what so ever.. Actually I haven't got the slightest clue of what Magna Carta is.. I really like the way it is drawn... And I seriously hope this is anime.. Anyone help me out here???? http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/huh.gif
Its a korean game...same company as War of Genesis 3...
Blah i want these games @_@
They look awesome..
Ah thanx!!!!! http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/em...ughbounce2.gif I discussed it with a friend of mine.. We already thought it was a game.. Cuz it really looks like game art.. Too bad it ain't anime.. cuz it really is drawn beautifully http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/smile.gif
yeah when i saw it i was holy shit the pics were even the splash page for gotwoot page once but indeed its a game that looks really cool but i have no idea of the game play i wish i could find out
has anybody even played this game before?? and if they have do u know where i can get a copy of it so that i can test it out??
What kind of game is it anyway? RPG i think.. then again is it a console game or PC???
It's a PC game. I own the limited edition, bought it at Himeya a while back, but they're sold out at the moment. The best part about that was that it came with a great art book full of concept and character art. For the game itself... I didn't play it that much. It's an RPG, the battle system isn't that great and the graphics are decent for a game that was made around that time. There was an online translation, but it never got completed, so I played up to that point.
What's inside the limited edition.
Got some links/new http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif
Link #1 the Magna Carta official website! (great art/screen shots here)
Linke #2 the SOFTMAX Homepage. Click the link at the top for English.
Finally, news! SOFTMAX has cut a deal with Banpresto to release games in the Japanese, US and European markets! Go to softmax's page for news updates. Yea, their English isn't so hot, but it still makes some sense. If all goes well who knows, we may one day get to play Magna Carta w/o having to learn Korean.
Also, it's worth checking out some of the other games they've come out with. Some of it looks pretty sweet. If any of it ever reaches the states I'm definatly picking some of these titles up http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif