2 days ago someone release the episode 24 RAW or 23 i cant remember well, and the subbed version is still on 21, is there a problem to take the Raws, problems with the fansubbers? or something?
I hope that all of we can complete this anime before its too late... (you know what i mean http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/tongue.gif)
omfg its on 21 last ep i saw as like 15 must dling eps are they full eps now or just 17 mins like before
I wish to know what is goin on with DaCapo as well, I like what they did with the series after the recap episode (you know, gettin the actual stick of the anime finally underway), and want to see more but theres no subs of anything past 21, atleast on AnimeSuki listings. Hope this wasnt liscensed or something, which I doubt it is, becuase the old torrent links are still on AnimeSuki and we all know there anal about that sort of thing.
Da Capo was a joint project between AnimeOne and High Quality Anime (HQA). HQA's web site has been down for a couple weeks now unless the URL has changed. If HQA is not longer subbing It might have been droped. I have up to 21 from AonE/HQA and would like to get the rest from the same subber. It would be nice If a Moderator could post an answer.
Also Soldats seems to be subbing it and are up to ep 20 now I believe.