what i've heard.. and from what i was able to translate from www.wolfs-rain.com using a cheap translator is that the DVD for eps. 27 and 28 will be released in January 23, 2004 and the DVD for 29-30 will be released on February 25, 2004
This info is also given on the topic of the #woofnick channel...
Mondongo is right about japanese release but i think the official american dvds will be out next year DEC. if you wait to buy um' uncut with good subbs and 4 eps on 1 dvd and hella cheaper but wolf's rain might be on adult swim in spring so you if you can wait till about july/august to watch eps 27-30 but they'll edited and dubbed... (>_<)" so you can buy 27-30 from japan with 2eps a dvd for 30$ each dvd in region 2 (not really a prob for most ppl anymore) with no subbs or wait a year and get 4eps for 25-30$ (depends where you buy) on one region 1 dvd with good subbs... i'll proably wait to buy and watch fansubbs (http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/sleep.gif); i'm a bastard for downloading and watching licensed stuff... http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif
also i think bandai might be skipping those 4 troublesome clip shows in a row and releasing them on a seperate disk after the series is finished http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/wink.gif and its possible for those non-believers, lets take chobits for example...geneon/pioneer skiped the clip shows and are releasing them on a seperate vol when the series is finished http://www.gotwoot.net/forum/html/emoticons/happy.gif
I heard that episode 27-30 is put on hold and will be release this dec. Does anyone know if this is real and when its actual date of release? If yes then please post link of subber.
Im pretty sure it ended at 26... but then again I stopped watching it at 18.