It's almost time again, phew. Summer season went by super fast. Probably because Corona and all, I dunno. Anyway, let's list the anime we're looking forward to!
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It's almost time again, phew. Summer season went by super fast. Probably because Corona and all, I dunno. Anyway, let's list the anime we're looking forward to!
The anime that peak my interest:
- Mushoku Tensei S2
- Jojo
- Blue Period (big maybe, because main character looking like Asta is a major turn off)
- 86 S2
- Shuumatsu no Harem (this actually makes sense to have ecchi scenes, so I'm a bit hyped. Ofc, whether quality is there or not ...)
- Saihate no Paladin (eh, could be good, could be trash)
- Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu (a vampire girl used as an astronaut? Interesting)
- Deep Insanity (is that a proper anime or just some video game cash in from Square Enix?)
Meh, feels like a bad season (again). Also a hella lot of vampire anime, wtflol.
- Mushoku Tensei 2 goes without saying.
- Shin no Nakama... is a pretty standard fantasy series, but I'm not sure if watching the anime will bring anything new after the manga.
- Saihate no Paladin is actually a high quality fantasy title, which even manages to stir emotions. Of course that doesn't automatically mean the anime adaptation would be excellent.
- Taishou Otome Otogibanashi is a solid period drama of a time (and place) I'm not especially familiar with (20's Japan), but, like with Shin no Nakama..., I'm not sure if watching the anime is necessary after reading the manga.
- Sekai Saikou no Ansatsusha. An isekai title I'm not familiar with at all. Could be interesting.
Vampires are always on a cycle. There were plenty of successful series last season or two (none of which I watched), so it is back on the rise. Late 90s. Early 2000s. Mid-2000s (Mostly 2005 specifically). Early 2010s. Then we basically just got Valvrave and Owari no Seraph. The endless delays on Kizumonogatari screwed up the cycle so we've actually been overdue.
- Totally down for Tsuki to Laika to Nosferatu. Hayashibara Megumi, check. Space development, check. Vampire cosmonauts, okay, not actually that novel for me, believe it or not. American Vampire already did it for what I assume are the same plot reasons.
- Shuumatsu no Harem sounds like my kind of trash!
- I could use a new short eps series, and Deji Meets Girl has this almost-Ponyo art style while not being Ghibli at all. Maybe even a little more toward Cartoon Saloon's style, but anime.
- Muv-Luv Alternative, after all the shitty side stories, finally gets a main-continuity story in a modernized style. Really surprised you're skipping this one MFauli.
- Mieruko-chan reminds me of Kotoura-san, a mix of horror and comedy instead of the latter's wholesomeness from a bleak supernatural status quo. I guess some people are worried about the adaptation, but since I don't read the source material, whatever!
- Kyuuketsuki Sugu Shinu Looks like a parody of grim dark vampire series, especially old school ones, so it might be harboring some really good jokes. I saw a battle nun in the PV too...
Obvious continuations:
- 86 S2
- Date A Live IV
- Mushoku Tensei S2
Potentially risky ones:
- Isekai Shokudou 2, and while I would never pass up more Aletta, they've switched to the Pokemon studio while Silver Link does some other isekai. But the PV looks good, actually really good, and it was always the VAs that made this series great.
- Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - If these are short episodes, I'll go for it. If they're full length, I'll probably skip it.
- Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party o Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life Suru Koto ni Shimashita because paragraph-titles are generally shit, but sometimes they're funny and enjoyable.
Mushoko Tensei 2, good. Jojo 6, good.
Man...when's Dragon Ball coming back...
I'm interested in Blade Runner.
That Assassin thing
on top of Jobless + 86 of course.
edit: oh - I noticed muv-luv is there too, so probably that as well.
And then like... anything that has good animation.. probably that vampire thing with the pilot n' stuff.
edit2: darn, not a fan of the female VA for Paladin.
Good, now make Star Wars anime-only forever and the franchise might be salvagable.
Tbh, I was kinda hoping for Chainsaw Man to release this or next season, but it doesn't look like it will come this year or even winter 2022
Meh, seems like you have to wait for good things after all.
My quality hevc/x265 fansub providers seem to lag quite a bit for the begining of the fall season.
Whose fansubs do you prefer, hevc/x265 required though ;)
Shuumatsu no Harem and Date A Live IV both got delayed to next year.
We had ep 1 for Shuumatsu... so ep2 is later ?
Linked to the earthquake ?
Nobody knows. Speculation is censorship mandated from China, censorship mandated from Sony, quality issues, it pushing the boundary even for AT-X, etc.
There's no English subs of that first episode, at least that I can find.
Censorship for Shuumatsu... well the plot haha. First ep was going full circle on a plot idea you understand in less than 10 seconds. I'm pretty sure we're not missing much.