This season's teenage angst/mystery/death game/ecchi trash anime.
I found the 3 episodes so far entertaining, although I definitely wouldn't watch it if this season wasn't so bad overall.
The wussy protagonist, ugh. If he had any brain/confidence at all, he could have banged her a 100 times. But no, instead he randomly attempts rape ( cringe) and then basically becomes her slave. Sigh.
Not expecting much, but it's entertaining enough
The sheer production value alone makes this worth watching for me. The fight scene in episode two especially was weighty and impactful; the reason I love anime to begin with. I can take or leave the fanservice and yet another story about the loss of innocence, but this is entertaining, no doubt about that.
I like the series. I have since I started reading the manga. I'm a fan of the author's previous and far more comedic work.
Gleipnir is a very acquired taste. The manga is a slow monthly release, the plot is convoluted and baffling at times, but when you re-read it in a marathon, it makes a lot more sense and has some deep character development going on. I let the chapters pile up 20 at a time before doing a re-read, I was due for another one, but then the anime was announced so I waited.
I'm happy about the anime because it should be much better paced than the manga. It's so hard to remember wtf is going on across the series because of the inherent mystery and some interesting plot structures being used here.
There's plenty of hints that not everything is as it seems.
1) Unreliable narrators. Shuichi doesn't know what's going on. He doesn't know how or why or when he turned into the dog-suit. Claire is no better, and she is actually the audience's surrogate, not Shuichi.
2) There's an age difference, which is unusual for series like this. Shuichi is a Senior, as are most of the other characters shown from the school. Claire is a First-year. It's not clear how old her sister is.
2) Claire is a liar. We've seen the flashbacks. She's traumatized and acting this current way as a defense mechanism.
3) Her sister. She's been shown twice so far in the three episodes. Second in monster form, but first in a flashback to the alien guy at the vending machine. She's the one who is strongly hinted at turning him into the dog suit, for her own messed up desires we've finally seen unfold. But he doesn't remember her. He should...
4) The timeline. When did coins get spread all over town? Is it recent? If you go from Shuichi's introduction and based on the track girl, it hasn't been that long. But Claire's sister's has been a monster since the previous school year. And she didn't use her first coin on herself.
I love this show. It's so sexy and violent, yet at the same time compelling and mysterious. I love how unashamed Claire is about her body and chastity. The dog form is also really cool and... different, which is a hard thing to say about anime characters.