Anime Goods
What kind of anime goods do you own? I know a couple of people here buy figures, but what about all the other stuff? Do you get them direct from Japan? Do you get original products or knock offs? Do any of you have those boob mouse pads? Are they any good?
I have a SnK shoulder bag, about 10 posters and wall scrolls in my room, a Saber keychain, a nendoroid trophy my friends gave me for watching my 1000th anime title (that was so loooong ago), and a few knock off tiny figures that I've lost somewhere. I also have a Miku mug, whose design I illustrated myself as a gift for a friend (I kept the prototype), and a Saber mug I bought in Akiba 10 years ago. That's about it.
I just recently ordered knockoff Rem and Megumin pillowcase from Ebay. I hope they fit my pillows because the measurements in the site were weird. They are smaller by an inch from the standard pillow size, which makes no sense. Oh, that reminds me I once had a C.C. image painted onto a body pillowcase back when Code Geass was still airing. I humped that more times than I care to admit. Memories~
Oh, and I have the "You work you lose" T-shirt from Idolmaster CG. And also a pedobear shirt, if he counts as an anime character.
A Nyanko-sensei moneybox, Nyanko-sensei keychain, Banshee gunpla, a Persona 3 mug and a few posters. Trying to not go nuts with all those things even though there's plenty I'd like to buy.
I have a Madoka Magica wall clock I won at some random Aniplex game show panel at Sakuracon.
Tshirts I picked up in Japan:
Kyubey "I will make your wish come true. Anything."
The squiggly SOS-dan Haruhi logo
Tshirts Ordered off the internet:
Green Wings of Freedom design from Attack on Titan
Yellow No Game No Life "I <3 Jinrui" the main character wears
Honestly that's about it. I don't have much merch. I tend not to collect much junk for anything.
I have the English versions of a few LNs and Manga.
SAO Progressive 1-3. The Isolator. Some Madoka Magica spinoff manga (Suzune, Tart, Homura's Revenge).
That reminds me I haven't read Isolator 2.
This thread should be forbidden without posting pics!
What do I have ... various figures. Too lazy to type. Hoodie with Shingeki no Kyojin-kanji, but I gotta lose weight first before wearing it lol. And I have a random cat ears hat for winter, but havenīt been brave enough to wear it :D
A 4th Hokage chibi plushie and a couple of T-shirts I comissioned +15 years ago with art from Akira, Appleseed and GiTS. Most of them are rags now.
Shirts seem to be the thing in common. Any idea why that is? Coz they're cheap?
I'll post some pics when I get back from the office. Since Mfauli brought this up, you should post some pics of your body just so we know just how fat you are. Or you could just post some pics of figs.
Why is it in plastic? Is it so body fluids don't seep into the fabric?
The plastic is there to prevent dust and..... stuff
Shinta sounds majorly horny, wtf 0_o
I am. Always. For 2D only though, unless they are 3D goods of 2D.
And Buff practically confirmed my supposition.
I just "bought" two Attack on Titan audiobooks from Amazon by doing the 30-day Audible free trial, which of course I plan to cancel. Anyone else wanna give it a try? It's sorta free if you have Prime.
Does keeping VHS tapes you can't possibly play count?
Retail ones, not recorded off SciFi Channel on Saturday morning. Legit cardboard sleeves and everything.
Otherwise I only have figurines (and nendos and a few figmas, and a couple NGE gachapon things my sister brought back).
I thought about getting a Schwarzesmarken key chain though.
Schwarzesmarken of all things.
Why do you have so many VHS tapes?
I actually only have 6 tapes in total.
IRIA dub, and the original SW trilogy. Obviously both have been replaced by DVDs, but I kept the VHS tapes for some yet-unknown reason.
And yes, the Schwarzesmarken unit logo is cool.
I thought you wanted to get a boob key chain.
All my anime key chains are chibi Sabers. It's become a tradition of sorts. I've gone through 3 so far. One is from Akiba, with her in basic armor, which I lost and never found (coz some asshole picked it up and never placed it in the lost and found box in Uni). The 2nd is a gift from a friend, a chibi hanging by a chain from the back cutesy type, and when I lost that because of a weak chain link, I bought myself the Fate/Zero chibi one, which is probably the best in terms of overall quality.
I've only ever bought one anime related thing - an Evangelion NERV T-shirt. I've never even actually bought anime before, although I am collecting the One Punch Man manga as it's released in English.